School of Medicine

The Pulse

Grants and Contracts

Congratulations to the following individuals for obtaining extramural funding from federal, state, and/or independent sources between May 1 and Julyl 31, 2024!

NOTE: If any information has been inadvertently omitted, please contact the editor ( and a correction will be printed in the next issue of The Pulse.

National Institutes of Health – R21
Guoshun Wang, DVM, PhD (Microbiology, Immunology, Genetics and Medicine)
“Development of a Rabbit Model for Myeloperoxidase Deficiency”

National Institutes of Health – K01
Sydney Vita, PhD (Physiology)
“Adolescent alcohol exposure exacerbates rmTBI associated BBB disruption and dementia risk”

National Institutes of Health – K12 (sub-award)
Lucio Miele, MD, PhD (Genetics)
“CTSA K12 Program at UAB at Birmingham”

National Institutes of Health – R01
Eric Lazartigues, PhD (Cardiovascular Center of Excellence)
“Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 and Atherosclerosis” (sub-award from Tulane)

Rebecca Lillis, MD (Medicine/Infectious Diseases)
“Refining Trichomonas Vagininalis Treatment in Women and Men” (sub-award from Tulane)

Minghao Jin, PhD (Neuroscience Center of Excellence)
“IRBP in the visual cycles and retinal diseases”

National Institutes of Health – F30
Stephanie Lee (Physiology)
“Alcohol-Cannabinoid System Interactions in the Context of Pain and AUD”

LA Department of Veteran Affairs
Eric Lazartigues, PhD (Cardiovascular Center of Excellence)
“miRNA targeting of hypertension and metabolic pathways”                                            

Gala True, PhD (Internal Medicine/Community Population Medicine)
“Facilitating Lethal Means Safety Conversations with Rural Caregivers”

Pharmaceutical, Professional Society and Private Grants
Ifechukwude Joachim Biose, PhD (Pharmacology)
Pennington Biomedical Research Center/LAUNCHED
“Travel Longitudinal Monitoring of HFpEF severity in a clinical significant rat model”

Ifechukwude Joachim Biose, PhD (Pharmacology)
Pennington Biomedical Research Center/LAUNCHED
“Gut dysbiosis and butyrate bioavailability in HFpEF”

Stephen John Bordes, MD (Surgery)
Chest Wall Injury Society
“KLS Martin Resident Fellowship - Redefining Chest Wall Mechanisms: A prospective Assessment of Patient Disability from Chest Wall Instability”

Tara Castellano, MD (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
GOG Foundation
“A Phase III Randomized Trial of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy with Cisplatin versus no HIPEC at the Time of Interval Cytoreductive Surgery”

Frank Culicchia, MD (Neurosurgery)
Orbus Therapeutics Inc.
“A Phase 3, Randomized, Open-Label Study To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Eflornithine with Lomustine Compared to Lomustine Alone in Patients with Anaplastic Astrocytoma that Progress/Recur After Irradiation and Adjuvant Temozolomide Chemotherapy - STELLAR Study”

Fokhrul Hossain, PhD (Genetics)
Louisiana Cancer Research Center (LCRC)
“Understanding cancer stem cell metabolism in triple negative breast cancer”

Stephen Lindsey, MD (Internal Medicine/Rheumatology)
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
“A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter phase 3 study to evaluate efficacy, safety and tolerability of ianalumab on top of standard-of-care therapy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SIRIUS-SLE 2)”

Alison Annette Smith, MD, PhD (Physiology)
Association for Academic Surgery
“Mechanisms of Alcohol-Induced Immunometabolic Dyshomeostasis of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells following Major Injury”

Alison Annette Smith, MD, PhD (Physiology)
Prytime Medical Devices, Inc.
“Prytime Medical REBOA pREBOA-PRO Research”

University Collaborations
Lucio Miele, MD, PhD (Genetics)
University of Alabama – Birmingham (sub-award)
“Clinical and Translational Sciences Center Core”

Eric Lazartigues, PhD (Cardiovascular Center of Excellence)
Brigham & Womens Hospital
“SARS-CoV-2 tropism in the brain and its relationship to COVID-19 pathogenesis”

LSUHSC Intramural Program
Liz Simon, PhD (Physiology) and Noelle Moreau, PT, PhD (SAHP)
“Molecular regulation of skeletal muscle function in children with cerebral palsy: implication for therapeutic targets”