Association for Women in Science-Southern Louisiana Chapter’s (AWIS-SLC) Update
AWIS-SLC hosted a Galentine’s Day event to meet colleagues and trainees on February 5th. The group discussed upcoming events that AWIS-SLC will organize at LSUHSC-NO and in the community for the Spring and Summer of 2025. The chapter donated more than $700 toward the Salvation Army Empty Stocking Fund in December 2024.
AWIS-SLC/LSUHSC sponsors an Outstanding Young Scientist Travel Award annually to promote the participation of female graduate students and postdoctoral researchers at national scientific conferences. AWIS-SLC/LSUHSC is also introducing a faculty travel award. AWIS-SLC/LSUHSC asks that readers be on the lookout for the announcement.
Please contact Liz Simon if you would like to be a member or support AWIS-SLC.