School of Medicine

The Pulse - December 2024

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Editor's Pen

Denise Flock-Williams

In the previous issue, I noted that a “theme” somehow emerges after all the news is collected and put together in each edition of The Pulse. This issue, the theme was personal to me and I can only call it “flashback.”

First, I learned that student Jonathan Legier, who we featured for his amazing artwork in the June 2024 issue, is resurrecting The Art of Medicine. When I first joined LSU Health Foundation, they hosted a black-tie event with the same name. Departments from throughout the campus contributed art that represented their work and was displayed as if in a gallery. Donors purchased expensive tickets to mingle in their best clothes and view the exhibits. So many hours went into organizing the event, but the result was always a wonderful evening that brought increased awareness to the campus and much needed funding. Although I do not miss the days of wearing evening gowns and heels, to find out what Jonathan is doing brought a smile to my face and the opportunity to reminisce.

Soon after, Dr. Michelle Moore reached out to me about the return of Tiger Run. It looks like a good time was had by all. This article triggered even more memories – many (many) years ago, the LSU Health Foundation hosted an annual fun run, and the last year we held it was on a weekend in May and a freak freeze (or at least a very cold cold front) somewhat sabotaged our plans and at best made it a pretty miserable day! I wish I had pictures from either of these events, but none of us had cell phones back then, and certainly not cell phones with cameras to easily document the events.

Thank you for indulging me in my trip down memory lane. I hope you enjoy reading about all the current amazing work you and your colleagues are accomplishing. In this season of gratitude, I want to thank you for contributing to the health of my own circle of family and friends as well as the broader community. I also want to thank those who make this newsletter possible, which is every single one of you who takes time from your day to send me an email with updates and photographs. I especially thank the other team members who make sure the newsletter gets to the finish line each quarter: Dr. Judy Crabtree, Todd LaGrange, and Dr. Stephanie Taylor.

Please continue to tell me about your work! You can email me at anytime with an idea for a story, information or pictures that we can share.