School of Medicine

The Pulse - December 2024

Tiger Run Makes Triumphant Return

Tiger Run AwardsMore than 200 walkers and runners of all ages came together at Audubon Park recently to support the Tiger Run 5K. This is the 37th Tiger Run in school history and marks the event’s return after a five-year hiatus due to COVID.

The event raised $6,700 for the School of Medicine's charitable student-run organizations and interest groups, providing resources for community service projects and supplies at the student run clinics.

Tiger Run starting lineTiger Run was organized by student race director Jayne Mora and faculty advisors Drs. Michelle Moore and Amy Rinner-Clomburg.

“It was inspiring to see so many students, staff and faculty up bright and early, running under Audubon Park’s beautiful oak canopy in celebration of the vital services our student organizations bring to the community,” said Dr. Moore.


The overall men’s top finishers were: runners stretch before the race
1. Connor MacKelvy, 18:46
2. Jack Grace, 19:32
3. Ben Aiken, 19:38

The overall women’s top finishers were:
1. Ann Byerley, 22:21
2. Laney Jacobson, 22:49
3. Alivia Johnson, 23:01

Top students in the men’s division were:
1. Jack Grace, 19:32
2. Jacob Lensing, 19:52
3. Jacob Brooks, 20:08

Top students in the women’s division were:
1. Ann Byerley, 22:21
2. Alivia Johnson, 23:01
3. Cassidy Nguyen, 23:54

Event organizers expressed gratitude to the donors and sponsors who made the event possible, including Louisiana Running and Walking Co., Reginelli’s, ACS Cleaning Service LLC, Steel Hip Ranch, Uniforms by Bayou, Lino Studio LLC, Oilfield Containment Inc, Varsity Sports, The Law Office of John W. Redman LLC, Lake Charles Anesthesia, LSU Health Foundation, and the LSU Alumni Association.

Dr. Moore said that plans are already underway for the 38th Annual Tiger Run 5K with some “exciting changes in store.” For early information on next year’s run, follow the official Instagram (@lsuhsctigerrun) and Facebook (@LSUHealthSciencesCenterTigerRun) pages.