School of Medicine

The Pulse - December 2024

PREP Scholars Present Research at National Hispanic Science Network Conference

Lisa M. Harrison-Bernard, Director of the LSUHSC-NO PREP

Prep Scholar with posterThe LSUHSC-NO Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) in the Biomedical Sciences Scholars presented their research at the National Hispanic Science Network 2024 Annual Conference in New Orleans on October 3, 2024. Deja Holmes, Trinity Martin, Tendayi Mpofu, and Alyssa Negron presented posters.  

Holmes presented Resistance exercise improves skeletal muscle cross-sectional area in children with cerebral palsy. She was awarded the Best Social Sciences Poster Presentation.

Martin presented Alcohol induced brain glucocorticoid signaling and regulation by mifepristone.

Mpofu presented Human astrocytes exhibit pro-survival reactions and alox12 activation when stimulated by IL4 and IL-6.

Negron presented Shisa7 knockdown modulates the disruptive effects of ethanol and alprazolam on learning.


PREP scholar with posterPREP scholar with poster