School of Medicine

The Pulse - December 2024

AWIS Update

Lisa M. Harrison-Bernard, PhD; Past-President of the Association for Women in Science-Southern Louisiana Chapter’s (AWIS-SL)

Girl Scout learns how to pipetteFaculty, fellows, and graduate students from the LSUHSC departments of physiology and pharmacology, together with faculty and undergraduate students from Nicholls University department of biology, and scientists from the Orleans Parish Coroner's Office participated in the Association for Women in Science-Southern Louisiana Chapter’s (AWIS-SL) science exhibit at the 9th Annual Girl Scouts Louisiana East Believe in Girls (B.I.G.).

The event was held on Saturday, October 12th on the campus of Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana. This hands-on, in-person event was an exciting and engaging day filled with opportunities to learn about STEM, life skills, entrepreneurship and outdoor skills from organizations hosting exhibits and presentations. Over 500 girls participated in this exciting day of activities and presentations showcasing organizations which encourage Girl Scout involvement, focusing on education in STEM, Healthy Living, Financial Literacy, and the Great Outdoors.

Dress Like a ScientistsThe AWIS-SL exhibit included the following stations: Dress Like a Scientist (image, left), Learn to Pipette (image, above right), Make a Neuron using colored pipe cleaners, and Build a Tube of Blood. It was a fun day of supporting women and girls in science.

Please contact if you would like to support AWIS-SL.

The AWIS Team






(Image, right) Drs. Lisa Harrison-Bernard, Holly Porter, Liz Simon, Xavier Chapa-Dubocq, Keishla Rodriguez-Graciani (back row), and Ashlyn Anderson, Dr. Abby Adams, and Meagan Donovan (front row) ran the exhibit during the session.