School of Medicine

The Pulse - December 2024

Grants and Contracts

Congratulations to the following individuals for obtaining extramural funding from federal, state, and/or independent sources between August 1 – October 31, 2024!

NOTE: If any information has been inadvertently omitted, please contact the editor and a correction will be printed in the next issue of The Pulse.

National Institutes of Health – R01
Jennifer Cameron, PhD (Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology) (MPI)
Michael Hagensee, MD, PhD (Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology) (MPI)
“The Role of Antiretroviral Therapy in Susceptibility to Oral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection”

Carmen Canavier, PhD (Cell Biology and Anatomy) (renewal)
“A Dynamic Diversity of Dopamine Neurons”

National Institutes of Health – F32
Xavier R. Chapa-Dubocq, PhD (Physiology)
“Alcohol impact on traumatic brain injury: focus on mitochondrial alterations”

Keishla M. Rodriguez-Graciani, PhD (Physiology)
“Alcohol-mediated Mitochondrial Adaptations in Skeletal Muscle: Role of Sirtuin 1”

Lucio Miele, MD, PhD (Genetics)
University of Alabama – Birmingham (sub-award)
“CTSA Predoctoral”

National Institutes of Health – F30
Nicholas Harris (Physiology)
“TRAF3IP2 as a Proinflammatory Mediator of Alcohol-related Cardiomyopathy”

National Institutes of Health/Leidos
Michael Hagensee, MD, PhD (Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology) (MPI)
“A Protocol 75N1019D00024- SHIP Trial Master Protocol: LMI-001-A”

National Institutes of Health – R41/STTR
Hong Xin, MD, PhD (Pediatrics and Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology)
“Liposome-displayed peptide vaccine against disseminated candidiasis by clinically-relevant Candida species”

LA Department of Veteran Affairs
Gala True, PhD (Internal Medicine/Community Population Medicine)
“Partnering with Firearm Retailers to Promote and Provide Out-of-Home Firearm Storage: Sustainability and Scalability of The Armory Project”

Pharmaceutical, Professional Society and Private Grants
Jameel Ahmed, MD (Internal Medicine - Cardiology)
“Medtronic Electrophysiology Fellowship”

Jeffrey Carter, MD (Surgery)
MedStar Health Research Institute
“Pilot Multicenter Study of Resuscitation with Enteral Fluids”

Michael Dunham, MD (Otolaryngology)
Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Foundation
"Eyes-On: An AI-Enabled Computer Vision System to Monitor Infants with a Tracheostomy"

Rebecca Lillis, MD (Medicine/Infectious Diseases)
“Comparison Study of the Xpert Hemorrhagic Fever Test Between Trained and Untrained Users on the GeneXpert Edge X System”

Rebecca Lillis, MD (Medicine/Infectious Diseases)
“Reproducibility and Precision Evaluation of the Xpert Hemorrhagic Fever Test on the GeneXpert Edge X System at Sites Representative of a CLIA-waived Testing Environment”

Rebecca Lillis, MD (Medicine/Infectious Diseases)
Sherlock Biosciences
“Prospective Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Performance of the Sherlock STD Test for Over-the-Counter Use”

Rebecca Moreci, MD (Surgery)
Association for Surgical Education
Previous Preliminary Surgery Trainees: A 5-Y National Analysis of "Success"

Piotr Olejniczak, MD, PhD (Neurology)
Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
“A Phase 2/3 Multicenter, Randomized Doubleblind, Placebo-controlled Study”

Jonathan Schoen, MD (Surgery)
Spectral MD, Inc.
“Performance Evaluation of the Deepview AI-Burns for Assessment of Thermal Burn Healing Potential (SMD Validation Study ED)”

Hailey Silverii, MD (Urology)
American Board of Medical Subspecialties
“Visiting Scholars Program”

Alison Smith, MD, PhD (Physiology)
Prytime Medical Devices, Inc.
“Partial REBOA Outcomes Multicenter Prospective Study (PROMPT)”

Alison Smith, MD, PhD (Physiology)
Life Sciences Plus, Inc.
“BloodStop IX Trauma Matrix for Tissue Regeneration in a Porcine Burn Model”

Shou-Ching Tang, MD, PhD (Internal Medicine-Hemtology/Oncology)
Olema Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
“A Phase 3 Randomized, Open-label Study of OP-1250 Monotherapy vs Standard of Care”

University Collaborations
Michael Dunham, MD (Otolaryngology)
LSU Collaboration In Action Program (CAP)
"Real-Time Intraoperative Mapping of Tumor Margins During Resection of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Using Artificial Intelligence Enabled Raman Spectroscopy"

Lucio Miele, MD, PhD (Genetics)
University of Alabama – Birmingham
“All of Us Southern Network”