Medicine Research Day 2025
Grand Rounds Seminar
1/31/2025 at noon at University Medical Center Conference Center Rooms G and J
Lawrence Palinkas, Ph.D.
Professor, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science,
University of California, San Diego
Methods for Clinical and Community Engagement in Health Services Implementation Research
By the end of this lecture, attendees should be able to identify:
- The principles and practice of implementation science.
- Why clinical and community engagement is critical to achieving successful outcomes of the implementation of evidence-based programs and practices.
- Specific methods that include clinical and community participation in implementation research data collection and analysis.
Light lunch provided to the first 70 in-person attendees.
To access the lecture and receive CME credit, each participant must use the link below to join the Zoom meeting. When clicking the link, you will be prompted to enter your first and last name before being able to join the meeting. It is very important to enter your names so we can be sure to award you CME credit. Only registered attendees will be allowed in the meeting.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Poster Session
4/11/ 25 from 3:30 – 5 PM at the Lions building 1st floor
Wine and Cheese will be served
Call For Papers:
All Projects are Encouraged to submit – this includes Translational Research, Quality Improvement and Clinical Vignettes
We want all to participate – Medical Students, Graduate Students, Residents, Fellows, Staff and Faculty
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Abstract Deadline: 3-15-25
Submit to:
Follow the submission guidelines after logging in or creating an account
Abstract is limited to 1 page, Ariel font 11, can be PDF or Word document – PDF is
Please use the format firstname_lastname_abstract.pdf.
Need to select between Translational Research, Quality Improvement or Clinical Vignettes
Need to submit the participating authors names
The presenting author needs to supply a cell phone number and email address
Also need to check which field of medicine the abstract aligns with
Also need to determine if you want poster only or poster or oral presentation - those who choose both will be judged and available for prizes
Abstracts will be reviewed within 2-3 days and determined if they are acceptable or
For those who wanted to be judged, poster preparation instructions with a video presentation
will need to be submitted.
Judging by zoom will start as soon as the abstract, poster and video presentation are submitted
Information on Poster printing will be provided by 1-1-25 and these will be displayed at 3:30- 5 PM in the CALS
In addition, a number of poster presentations will be selected for oral presentation at a subsequent Grand Rounds
The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.