LSUHSC-UMC COVID-19 Biorepository
1. Description of the Biorepository
Samples are collected on an ongoing basis from patients who have symptoms suggestive of infection with SARS COV-2 virus (COVID-19). Generally, these samples are collected in the UMC Emergency Department after obtaining informed-consent.
The following samples are collected:
Nasopharyngeal swab, (1) flash frozen and (1) frozen in RNAlater
Saliva swab (1) flash frozen and (1) frozen RNAlater
Serum, 250 microliters/vial
Plasma (EDTA tubes), 250 microliters/vial
PBMC, 2.5 x 106/vial
Consent for access to Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Samples will be collected on admission to the repository, at 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year. Follow up samples will be taken at the Clinical Trials Research Core (2025 Gravier Street, Room 652., New Orleans, LA 70112)
All samples will be aliquoted and frozen at -70o C and in liquid nitrogen under the supervision of Dr. Arnold Zea.
We also can offer a number of one-time serum samples from COVID-19 patients as well as serum from control patients without SARS-COV-2 infection.
Linkage of the samples to a de-identified database abstracted from the EMR is available for many of our samples.
2. Access to Samples
This Biorepository will follow standards outlined by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
“A clear governance structure must be defined at the initiation of the repository that specifies how and when samples and data will be released, as well as how research that uses the samples will be prioritized. The repository is responsible for maintaining a record of what samples and/or data is released, as well as when and to whom the samples are released.”
Access to the Biorespository is open to investigators from an academic medical institution. A CV or biosketch of the principal investigator should be submitted along with the application.
Application to use samples from the LSUHSC-UMC COVID-19 Biorepository should be submitted to the COVID-19 Biorepository Steering Committee (1901 Perdido, Rm 7103, New Orleans, LA 70112).
A fillable spreadsheet is provided for applicants. The application may be submitted electronically to
Please pay attention to the following:
•Applications should be project-based (hypothesis-driven). Provision of exploratory or pilot (small number) samples has lower priority.
•There should be a clear plan for research funding.
•Priority will be given to projects with a high likelihood of external funding
•A full description of why the samples are needed and what assays will be employed is required.
•A full description of the type, number and volume of samples is required.
•A study description should be provided (grant applications are ideal) along with a justification for the number of samples requested. A power analysis is suggested.
•All samples in the Biorepository are deidentified. This means that research use of these samples is IRB exempt. However, exempt approval is required to access the Biorepository. Apply to the IRB to access deidentified samples from IRB 20 074. Please provide documentation.
•If deidentified EMR data are requested, this should be outlined in detail and justified.
The data elements from EMRs will be provided in one of the formats accepted by the National COVID19 Cohort Collaboratory, specifically the latest version of the PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) Common Data Model (CDM), latest available version, or Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP), latest available version.
1. Review of Biorepository Applications
The Biorepository Steering Committee will meet at least monthly to review applications for sample access.
Applications will be reviewed by one member of the Committee and then discussed as a group.
Ongoing volume of samples in the Repository will be provided by Dr. Zea.
Applicants will be notified after each meeting regarding access and how to receive samples.
Coronavirus Information and Resources
COVID-19 Research Project
COVID-19 Biorepository Sample Request Form
COVID-19 Research Zoom Meetings (Previously Recorded)
September 9, 2020