School of Medicine


Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center 
School of Medicine –Research Enhancement Program (REP)
Grant for Research on Healthcare Disparities (GRHD)

The School of Medicine Research Office invites all faculty, staff, fellows, residents and students to apply for an intramural grant in response to the national call of awareness to and elimination of healthcare disparities.  These grants are intended to support the education, analysis, improvement and innovation in reducing healthcare disparities within our teaching hospitals/academic centers and our communities, and how we can improve the working and training spaces we occupy. Funds may be used to undertake new projects or to expand current projects.  The goal of this program is to provide institutional support for project initiatives that can directly affect our patient care communities and hospital systems.


When we speak about health disparities, we should think about differences in health outcomes for disadvantaged groups.  Through increasing our understanding and awareness of how these exist and how they impact the lives of many of those around us, we can begin to affect change.


Encourage scientific research within the areas of disparities in order to improve healthcare outcomes for all, and to inform and transform our policy makers, healthcare professionals and health systems. 

  1. Change how we think about health disparities.
  2. Advance the science around disadvantaged groups that are challenged by health disparities.
  3. Increase the number of researchers interested in health disparities to positively impact outcomes.
Areas of Research Interest/ Examples of Projects
  • Social and Economic Determinants of Health
  • Gentrification and the Health of Legacy Residents
  • Social Networks, Culture, and Chronic Illness Management
  • Physical activity: Environmental, social, and familial influences
  • The need for green space: How our communities look for vulnerable populations

Please note that these projects can be directed toward process improvement actions and educational efforts to identify, eradicate, reduce, and create effective change of a community’s disparities.  Therefore, projects can be both qualitative and quantitative in nature.  Projects submitted by students, fellows and residents would require a letter of support from a faculty sponsor.  Faculty members who submit an application for funds will need a signature of support from the department head.   
Applications will be reviewed by the Research on Health Disparities Committee and will be awarded based on the goal of improving the environment in the LSU Health Sciences Center and/or our training facilities.  The duration of these grants will be for one year.  An applicant can resubmit for an additional year of support, which will be critically evaluated based not only on its outcomes, but also on the continued need for funding and likelihood of being competitive for extramural funding. 

Application Deadline

Applications will be accepted three times a year:

  • March 15
  • July 15
  • November 15  

When the deadline falls on a holiday or weekend, applications will be accepted on the next business day.

Application Format
  1. Title Page (please use the Title Page template)
    1. Title of the project
    2. Applicant information (name, position within LSU Health Sciences Center, degree, campus address, email address and telephone number)
    3. Signature of applicant
    4. All applications from students, staff, residents and fellows must be accompanied by the identification of a faculty sponsor.
    5. Signature of Department Head committing to providing a 50% match of the grant award.
  1. Project Proposal. Sections a-d below should be no more than 5 pages and should include the following:
    1. Specific Aims. Provide a concise statement of the project aims to be addressed in this project.
    2. Background and significance
    3. Statement of Research Intent. This statement of intent (no more than 500 words) will describe how the proposed project will advance thinking, action and/or innovation with respect to reducing disparities. 
    4. Project design and methods
    5. References (not to be included in the page count of the proposal).
    6. Biosketch for all key personnel (Biosketch template)
    7. Budget outline (Budget)
    8. Budget justification
Funding Amount

The amount of funding will be recommended by the committee, and decided by the Dean of the School of Medicine.  Funding can be up to the designated amounts:

Faculty $10,000 ($5,000 from SOM/$5,000 from Department)
Residents and Staff $7,500  ($3,750 from SOM/$3,750 from Department)

$5,000  ($2,500 from SOM/$2,500 from Department)

Funding will not be released until IRB approval notice has been received.

Unallowable Costs

Due to the limited funds available, some research-related costs are not supported by this funding mechanism, they include:

  1. Publication cost: Publication costs are permitted only as part of the project.
  2. Faculty Salaries: Not allowable.
  3. Travel: Travel is not allowed unless it is part of the project (e.g., travel to a remote site to collect data). The departmental contribution to the award can include travel to a meeting to present research that is the result of the project.
  4. Patient care costs: Costs associated with performing a diagnostic test that is necessary for the research project, but not covered by normal patient care is an allowable expense. It is also allowable to include any patient incentives that are integral to participation in the project.
  5. Office equipment: Not allowable.

Funding can be used for personnel support with data collection, equipment needs, educational materials, lecturers, etc.

The proposal must be submitted electronically as a single pdf, clearly indicating in the subject line the program name (i.e. GRHD) and the name of the PI.  The title page must have all signatures to be advanced to the review stage.  This proposal should be submitted to Dr. Wayne L. Backes through SOM Research email (  Questions related to this program should be directed to Dr. Wayne Backes, Chair of the GRHD Review Committee (

Final Reports

Within 3 months after completion of the project, a short report (1 page recommended) on the result of the project must be submitted to Dr. Wayne Backes, Associate Dean for Research, through This report is the joint responsibility of the primary signatory of the project and the co-signed faculty sponsor and department head.  

The report should include 1) a description of the findings, 2) discussion of whether the initial aims were met and 3) and how the sponsoring department can/may utilize the findings of this project to affect their patient population or greater community.  The report should also include any manuscripts or grant proposals resulting from this project.