School of Medicine


Coffee Cup

LSUHSC School of Medicine
Research Café

The LSUHSC SOM Research Café offers workshops, classes and seminars in subjects that are crucial to an academic research career, including Research Resources, Grant Writing, Publishing Your Research and Identifying Funding Sources for your research.  We invite you to talk with us and participate in our Research Café Workshops.​​  This has been organized as a series of workshops on different topics for developing a grant proposal.  The current schedule and topics are listed below:


Research Café  for faculty members, residents, and post-doctoral fellows. CME Credits available In-person: Lion’s Building, 6th-floor. Zoom Meeting Link: Click here for meeting


Research Resources Workshop

 Lion’s Building-6th Floor- Conf. Room # 7, 12:00-1:00 PM 

Fern Tsien, PhD, Wayne Backes, PhD, Peter Winsauer, PhD,  Gabriela Dominguez, Lynn Arnold, MBA, Ann Clesi, Med

This session is designed to help participants learn about the major research resources available at LSUHSC. You will be able to walk away with a better understanding of how to utilize the resources and where to get started. These include the Faculty Interests Database, Resident Research Opportunities, Faculty Mentoring Program, Internal Funding Opportunities for faculty members and residents, medical and graduate student research federal funding opportunities, Institutional Animal Care and Use (IACUC) approval, the Office of Research Services, Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), and Institutional Review Board (IRB). Click Here for Video


Success with Intramural Funding

Lion’s Building-6th Floor- Conf. Room #7, 12:00-1:00 PM 

Fern Tsien, PhD, Wayne Backes, PhD, Peter Winsauer, PhD, Patrick Reed, MS, RTTP, Lucio Miele, MD, PhD

The Dean of the School of Medicine has put into place four institution grant mechanisms to provide support for faculty research: (1) Bridge Grants, (2) New Project Grants, and (3) Clinical Research Grants. Dr. Backes will provide an overview of the successful application process. A panel of faculty who have successfully applied for intramural funding, both basic and clinical projects, will discuss how best to navigate the internal funding system. Panelists will also discuss any issues with their applications and how to avoid them. Research funding includes Research Enhancement Grants, Translational Sciences Center (LACaTS Pilot Grants), Leveraging Innovation for Technology Transfer (LIFT2) Grants, Bioinformatics Pilot Grants, and Health Disparities Grants for clinical and basic science faculty members and residents. Click Here for Video


Proposal Development Workshop

 Lion’s Building-6th Floor- Conf. Room #6, 12:00-1:00 PM

Fern Tsien, PhD, Peter Winsauer, PhD, Andrew Hollenbach, PhD, Lucio Miele, MD, PhD

This workshop is designed as an introduction to grant writing for faculty who have little or no experience writing a peer-reviewed grant application. This workshop is designed to help participants strategize for and prepare effective grant proposals and includes strategies for writing applications, identifying available federal and foundation grants, types of grants & activity codes (i.e., R01, T32, F30), and grant submission procedures, including working with your business manager and Office of Research Services. An overview of the grant proposal components will be discussed, including Specific Aims, Biosketch, Budget, Facilities and Other resources, Resource Sharing, Data Management Plan, and Letters of Collaboration.


Specific Aims Workshop

 Lion’s Building-6th Floor- Conf. Room #3, 12:00-1:00 PM

Facilitators: Fern Tsien, PHD, Peter Winsauer, PhD, Wayne Backes, PhD, Lucio Miele, MD, PhD

The Specific Aims workshop is offered to those who are actively developing grant applications. Applicants will be asked to provide an NIH-formatted Biosketch and a draft version of their Specific Aims page prior to the workshop. These drafts will be distributed for review and critique. Workshop participants will present their Aims (2 slides) and then discuss with the review panel changes to wording and experimental design. This workshop provides attendees with valuable feedback prior to submission to the NIH.  Attendees are asked to provide an NIH-formatted draft of their Specific Aims page to by March 15th.  Drafts will be discussed and critiqued during the workshop. Registration required


Research Strategy

Facilitators: Fern Tsien, PhD, Peter Winsauer, PhD, Wayne Backes, PhD, Lucio Miele, MD, PhD

 Lion’s Building-6th Floor- Conf. Room #7, 12:00-1:00 PM

This workshop will focus on the bulk of the research project and grant application. The focus will be placed on 1.) hypothesis and research design to answer a research question, data analysis, and the use of human subjects and vertebrate animals 2.) organization of this research for NIH submission into the three subsections of Significance, Innovation and Approach, and address Rigor and Reproducibility. This workshop will also provide participants with guidelines on how to write biosketches for NIH, NSF, and other funding agencies, create a budget, and a budget justification. Facilitating the collaboration between participants, their departmental business manager, and the Office of Research Services will be discussed. Click here for video


Writing an IRB Protocol

Facilitators:  Fern Tsien, PhD and Lucio Miele, MD, PhD

 Lions Building-6th Floor-Large Conference Room, 1:00-2:00PM

Participants will learn how to successfully write an IRB protocol for clinical research and navigate the submission process using Kuali.  Click here for video


Mock Study Section

Facilitators: TBA

This Mock Study Section will simulate an NIH Review Panel in every detail possible. Participants will review NIH applications and participate in a formal discussion and review of the grants. Panelists are not expected to critically judge the scientific merit of their assigned grants but whether the science described is logical, clearly described, and meets the review criteria. At the end of the session, participants will have an opportunity to compare their critiques with the NIH reviews. Registration required.


Writing a Peer-Reviewed Manuscript

Date: TBA

Facilitators: TBA

This workshop will prepare researchers with little or no experience in the publication of clinical or basic research data. Topics discussed will include searching for the best journal to fit the research topics, impact factor, co-authorship, writing guidelines, the review process, and resubmissions.