School of Medicine

The Pulse

AWIS Update

Carmen Canavier, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
President, SL-AWIS

The Southeast Louisiana chapter of AWIS held a mock interview session for current graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on February 5th. Thanks go to Angela Amedee, Grace Athas, Allison Augustus-Wallace, Michael Salling, and Lisa Harrison-Bernard for serving as faculty interviewers. Thanks also go to postdocs Elizabeth Fucich and Chelsea Kasten for their contributions to organizing this event. We received very positive feedback from the applicants who participated and from the interviewers. For the applicants, it was a unique opportunity to get outside feedback on progress made in specific stages of their scientific careers, and helped prepare them for upcoming interviews. We hope this will become an annual professional development spring event for AWIS.