Pediatrics Celebrates Match Day Safely Amid Coronavirus Concerns
Pediatric department faculty, staff, and residents came up with a number of creative
ways to congratulate their new pediatrics, medicine/pediatrics, pediatrics/emergency
medicine and child neurology residency programs for successfully matching for the
2020-2021 academic year.
With Match Day celebrations canceled, Pediatrics Program Director Dr. Chelsey Sandlin
and her chief residents, Monica Hajirawala and Jordan Lim, created a video of residents
and faculty welcoming the Class of 2023. Watch it here.
Dr. Sandlin decided to bring the party to her local matched applicants, at a safe
distance of course! She delivered bags of goodies including the department's new LSU
Peds t-shirt and a water bottle from Children's Hospital Office of Medical Education.
LSUHSC-NO student Jesse Coren couldn't wait to wear his purple and gold (see photo).
The residents figured out a way to hold their annual celebration to welcome their
new class with a virtual karaoke night (see photo).