Honor Code
On my honor, I will uphold the ideals of the medical profession and protect the name of the LSU School of Medicine for the duration of my career. Continuing its tradition of excellence, I vow to leave the school better than it was left to me and expect others to do the same.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Council on Professional Conduct (The Council) is to uphold the LSUHSC School of Medicine Honor Code. The Honor Code outlines the highest standards of ethical professional conduct adopted by the faculty, residents and students. A report of unprofessional conduct such as dishonest, disruptive, or illegal activity will be reviewed according to the "Rules of Procedure". The Council is committed to protecting the right to due process of all members of the LSUHSC community.
The Pledge
The pledge, to be signed by students on all examinations and assignments, is as follows:
I pledge, on my honor, as a member of the medical community, to uphold the Honor Code of the LSU School of Medicine.
Every effort will be made to maintain the confidentiality of all parties involved in an investigation and/or trial of an Honor Code offense. Anyone found to be in violation of confidentiality shall themselves be brought before the Committee and tried accordingly.
This document can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Student Government Association and a majority vote of the Student Body.