Policies and Procedures for Student Travel Requests
It is the intention of LSU New Orleans School of Medicine to support students' participation
in research and other educational activities such as attending local, regional, and
national conferences to the extent that funding allows. Students are encouraged to
submit to local meetings or national meetings being held in New Orleans or virtual
conferences as a first priority. In person international conferences will NOT be funded
through this program with the exception of travel to Canada or Mexico.
All students are expected to work with faculty mentors/advisors to secure funding from grants or departmental funds as a first step. Before submitting an abstract to a conference, students are expected to have identified funding to support conference attendance.
For school supported funding to be considered, all possible other sources of funding must have been identified, sufficient to cover at least half of the total cost to attend.
Examples of sources for additional funds:
Departmental funds
Foundation funds
Grant funding
Travel awards from organizations
Travel awards from LSU NO SOM research awards
No further consideration will be given to applications that do not include additional sources of funding. The maximum amount of student affairs funding per student that may be allocated is up to $1200 and no more than half of the travel costs (including costs for airfare, hotel, registration, food and transportation).
Priority will be given to students who are:
- For research conferences: presenting or who are listed as an author on a poster, abstract,
oral session, workshop or other scientific activity at the meeting and for which at
least fifty percent departmental or grant funding has been identified.
- Research that is being presented must be completed or co sponsored with an LSUHSC faculty member OR done while the student is actively enrolled as a medical student at LSU NO SOM in order to receive funding.
- For other conferences of general interest or that are part of the organized medical community (such as the AAMC, AMA, ACP, etc), students must be participating in a session, or an officer in or delegate to an officially recognized group.
No student may receive school supported funding more than once per academic year.
To be considered for funding, the student(s) must complete the attached form no later than 4 weeks prior to the requested date for funding to be secured. For example, if there is a registration or abstract submission deadline, the request must be submitted 4 weeks in advance of the registration or abstract submission deadline (not 4 weeks in advance of the date of the event). Late submissions will not be considered further. Forms are to be turned into Ms. Lisa Williams ( lwil77@lsuhsc.edu ) in the Office of Student Affairs.