School of Medicine

Office of Student Affairs


All of the following criteria must be met satisfactorily for a student enrolled in the School of Medicine to be eligible for promotion:

  1. Satisfactory completion of all course work specified for the academic level
  2. Fulfilling all requirements established by the faculty of each course
  3. Approval for promotion by the appropriate promotions committee.


Promotions Committees

Revised: 10/04/2016 CJL

There is a Preclinical Sciences Promotions Committee which considers academic problems of students enrolled in years one and two of the curriculum. The Clinical  Promotions Committee considers academic problems of students enrolled in years three and four. Each committee consists of course directors and representative faculty. The Preclinical Sciences Promotions Committee and the Clinical Sciences Promotions Committee will be chaired by a respective committee member for a one-year term on a rotating basis. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Records will provide logistical support, the list of students under consideration, and the records of each student to be discussed for all promotions committee meetings.

Promotions committees have the responsibility to make recommendations to the Dean  for final action relating to student promotions. They also have an obligation to conduct a comprehensive review of the records of students who have acquired deficiencies, using all pertinent data available from any appropriate source, such as student files, and associated information from the Office of Student Affairs and Records.

In reaching a decision on action to be taken in connection with a student who has incurred deficiencies, the committee shall give due consideration to the nature, extent, and significance of the deficiencies manifested. It shall take into account the relationship of the activity and time required for completion of the measures for removal of deficiency specified by the departments involved. It shall also evaluate the influence of other factors which relate to the best interest of the student and the School.

The committee may designate an appropriate course of action as described below:

  1. Promotion after removal of all deficiencies as specified
  2. Permission to repeat the year taking only those courses in which deficiency occurred
  3. Permission to repeat the year taking the entire course work of that year
  4. Dismissal for failure to meet the requirements in a satisfactory manner
  5. Special procedure which may be indicated in exceptional cases.

In the event that a student fails to remove a deficiency, the committee shall decide which of the remaining alternatives stated above is to be followed. When a student is given permission to repeat a year, grades are recorded but no hours are earned and no credit is given for honors hours for the failing year. Full credit is given when repeating and honors hours may be earned.