New Opportunity for Baton Rouge Students and Residents
LSU medical students and residents in Baton Rouge now have the opportunity to be exposed to bariatric surgeries performed at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge, thanks to a partnership spearheaded by Pennington Biomedical Research Center.
Pennington Biomedical recruited Dr. Phil Schauer, the former director of the Cleveland Clinic Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, to head a new Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program, a joint surgical program between Pennington Biomedical and Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. He will also have an appointment here at the LSU School of Medicine.
Schauer is the president of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery and has performed more than 8,000 operations for severe obesity. He also is leading a trial that is working to reverse type 2 diabetes using bariatric surgery. He began work on November 1.
“Bariatric surgery is a critical component of the medical management of obesity. It has increasingly been shown to be an important component of population management because of its long-term effects in reducing chronic disease. Dr. Schauer’s recruitment greatly enhances our training programs in Baton Rouge specifically, and in the medical school overall. It is exciting for our students and residents to have the opportunity to work with a leader in the field,” said Dr. Richard DiCarlo, senior associate dean of faculty and institutional affairs.
Dr. Schauer’s research interests include pathophysiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes, and outcomes of minimally invasive and metabolic surgery. He has authored more than 350 scientific papers, 60 textbook chapters, and three textbooks related to obesity, bariatric/metabolic surgery and gastrointestinal surgery with more than 20,000 citations.