School of Medicine

Department of Genetics

GeneBIORETS: Genetics, Genomics, and Biology Research Experiences for Teachers in the Sciences

We are looking for highly motivated high school teachers who are interested in conducting genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, cellular and/or molecular biology research and enhancing their science curriculum! No lab experience needed. 

The goals of the GeneBIORETS program are for teachers to develop collaborative relationships with colleagues and researchers and provide training experiences that will have long-term impacts on how they impart science education in their classrooms, ultimately inspiring students to pursue and excel in STEM professions.

The GeneBIORETS program at LSUHSC provides high school science teachers the exciting opportunity to engage in research under the supervision of a faculty mentor, learn ways to enhance their science curriculum, and receive professional development training.

The program will support high school teachers to conduct research and receive curriculum resources for classroom activities for six weeks full time during the summer at LSUHSC-New Orleans on June 9, 2025 - July 18, 2025 and two weeks (part time) during the academic year at the teachers' insitution. Dates for implementation in the classroom during the academic year will be coordinated based on the teachers' schedules with the help of LSUHSC faculty and staff.

Each teacher accepted in the program will receive a stipend of $13,000 ($9,000 disbursed during the summer, $2,000 in the fall, and $2,000 in the spring semesters). 

geneBIORETS flyer

Application Deadline is March 15, 2025


Video instructions to submit NSF ETAP applications

NSF ETAP Frequently Asked Questions

All inquiries are welcome.  Please direct questions to and reference the program for which you are interested in (BIORETS Teacher Internship) or contact any of the program directors.  Applicants are not required to have previous research experience. Participants must be US citizens or permanent residents.  Emphasis will be placed on broadening participation of teachers who serve high school students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). 

Applications will consist of the following with additional details forthcoming:

  • NSF Education and Training Application (ETAP) application form (Application opening soon)
  • Resume
  • Two letters of recommendation from their school administration
  • A 500-word personal statement that addresses personal reasons for considering this program and how the program will help them create an exciting science teaching experience for their students

Gabby            Geri 4    Brittney

NSF logo
This program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

For examples of past summer projects, abstracts and research, please refer to the student research symposia below. 

Student Research Symposia
Lake Charles