PhD from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
The Role of Voltage-gate Sodium Channels (VGSCs) on gene expression, cell proliferation, migration and invasion.
STEM Education for High School and Undergraduate Students
Dr. Sherman is the Principal Investigator for Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation
grant to support STEM internship opportunities for high school students. Summer students
work full time in the research lab learning lab techniques, conducting research and
experiments, then presenting their research project. Since Summer 2021, Dr. Sherman has mentored 12 students for a total of 26 semesters for students initially entering the Summer program, then opting to continue lab efforts
during the school year. For the capstone exhibit of posters, each high school student
presents their research along with undergraduates and medical students. Students are exposed to STEM opportunities
to encourage their pursuit in a STEM career.
Recent Program Photos
High School STudent Interns
BIORETS - LSUHSC N.O. Collaboration with High School Teachers in Sciences
PI: Dr. Fern Tsien Co-PI: Dr. Kelly Jean Sherman Co-Investigators: Dr. Martha Cuccia, Dr. Michael Norman, Dr. Arnold Zea
Dr. Sherman is the Co-Director and Co-Principal of the GeneBORETS: Genetics, Genomics, and
Biology Research Experiences for Teachers in the Sciences. LSUHSC New Orleans is
funded through a grant with the National Science Foundation to support highlight motivated
high school teachers in collaborations with colleagues and researchers at LSUHSC New
Orleans for training experiences that impact how they impart science education in
their classrooms, inspiring students to pursue STEM professions.
BIORETS Teachers in Collaboration
Madelaine Bryant
Christ Episcopal
Joseph Vaccaro
Metairie Park Country Day School
Janine Koenig
St Mary’s Dominican High School
Science Teacher Koenig in LSUHSC summer research labs
Marla Taylor
Warren Easton Charter High School
Laura Decker
Mandeville High School
REU: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the Basic Sciences, Genomics
and Neuroscience
PI: Dr. Fern Tsien Co-PI: Dr. Kelly Jean Sherman Co-Investigator: Dr. Hamilton Farris
Dr. Sherman is the Co-Director and Co-Principal of the REU: Research Experiences for Undergradudates in Basic Sciences, Genomics ad Neuroscience. LSUHSC New Orleans is funded through a grant with the National Science Foundation to provide a 10-week research experience to undergraduate students interested in a career in biological sciences. Students are provided training by LSUHSC faculty in designing and conducting experiments, analyzing the results and presenting those results.