Student Services & Activities
Student Government
The Student Council consists of the student body officers and the four class presidents. Its primary responsibility is to deal with the day to day activities and programs provided by and for students of the School of Medicine. Programs of note include a speakers' bureau which is designed to educate high school and college students about medicine as a possible career choice, intramural athletics, various social functions and community service projects.
The Council, along with representatives from the various student groups in the School, meets on a weekly basis with both the Dean of the School and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Records as the Student Faculty Advisory Committee. At this meeting, various topics of concern to students are openly presented and discussed by both students and the administration. Elections of both student body officers and class officers occur during the month of April of each year.
Student Government Association
Honorary and Professional Groups
Alpha Omega Alpha—AOA is an honor medical society organized in 1902 at the University of Illinois. Membership is based on scholarships, leadership and other personal attributes. Its members are chosen from high ranking students of the Junior and Senior classes.
Gold Humanism in Medicine Honor Society--- The LSU Chapter of the GHHS was established in 2014. A signature program of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, the national GHHS has over 25,000 student, resident, and faculty members. Students are selected by peer nomination in recognition of excellence in humanistic clinical care, leadership, compassion and dedication to service.
The Aesculapians—Established in the 1964-65 session under the auspices of the Student Council, the objective of this organization is to promote amicable interchange of opinion between the student body and the faculty, with a view to the constant improvement of educational, medical, and scientific standards.