Upcoming Events
Wednesday, December 7, 2022, noon
Database & Repository Research
LSUHSC IRB is hosting a virtual Lunch & Learn series. Once a month, join the IRB Staff
during your lunch hour will for a one-hour Zoom session where a member of the staff
will spend the first 10-15 minutes presenting a rotating list of IRB topics followed
by an open discussion and time for questions from research staff.
Zoom links to each session are available on the Research Staff Education page of the IRB Website. Each session will be recorded and the recording uploaded to the website afterward for those who are unable to attend.
Friday, December 9, 2022, 2022, noon-1 p.m.
Come Along and Sing Off Key!
LSU Health Science Center is holding a sing-along to benefit the UN World Food Program.
An estimated 21 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing risk of severe malnutrition and starvation as the worst drought in four decades challenges harvests in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia. Risk of famine is exacerbated by the war in Ukraine as it has led to grain shortages as well as increased cost of essential supplies such as food, fuel, fertilizer. In 2011, when drought struck Somalia, an estimated 260,000 people perished. Currently Somalia also lies at the center of the crisis; there, UNICEF estimates between January and June of this year 448 children have died from acute malnutrition and UNICEF predicts that 500,000 children are at risk of perishing by mid-2023.
Organization of the sing-along was inspired by a poignant personal account of the famine. The New York Times chronicled the journey of a young Somali mother traveling by foot with her three small children to seek food. Along the way the mother’s three-year-old son died of starvation but she had to bury him and keep walking to find food for her other children. She finally reached a village with food but two days later her 8-year-old daughter also succumbed to malnutrition.
The sing-along will take place on Friday, December 9 from noon to 1 PM in the Team-Based Learning room in the Medical Education Building. All staff, faculty and students at the Health Science Center are welcome (no musical talent is required!). Dr. Robin English from the Department of Pediatrics plans to accompany the singers with her tambourine.
A link for direct donations to the UN World Food Program will be provided but donations are not required to join in the singing. The event is being supported by the HSC Faculty Senate. Dr. Jameel Ahmed and Dr. Taniya de Silva from the Department of Medicine and Dr. Bradley Spieler from the Department of Radiology are co-organizers of the event. Please reach out to them with any questions or concerns.