Resident Resources
LSUHSC Wellness Committee
The goal of the LSUHSC Wellness Committee is to promote a healthy learning and working environment, building resiliency, and personal well-being among faculty, staff, residents, and students in LSUHSC School of Medicine and the Health Sciences Center.
Campus Assistance Program
The mission of the LSUHSC Campus Assistance Program (CAP) is to support the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of students, faculty, staff, and immediate family members in order to promote the overall health and effectiveness of the LSUHSC-NO community.
Medical Education Development Site
The Medical Education Development Site (MEDS) is intended for use by all medical educators. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for a variety of instructors, containing everything from short didactic lectures to in-depth modules. These presentations may be used for educational events, House Officer training and for any other educational needs you may have.
Office of Medical Education
CORR® Curriculum—Orthopaedic Education
Research Resources
Grant and Proposal Requests
Research Tools
Presentation and Manuscript Documents
IRB & MSK Committee
- Musculoskeletal Research Committee
- ACGME Scholarly Activity Requirement for Resident
- Allscript's Request Form
- Faculty Research Proposal
- LSU Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- LSU Musculoskeletal Research Consortium
- Ochsner EIRB
- REACHnet Data Query Request
- Resident Introduction to Research
- Resident Research Timeline
- Resident/Student Research Proposal and Routing Form
- Resident/Student Travel Policy