Frequently Asked Questions
Will LSU New Orleans be participating in the Universal Interview Offer Day?
Yes, the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery will be participating in the American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) Universal Interview Offer day. This will take place on November 23, 2020 at 10:00 AM EST.
Is there a night float system for taking call?
No, there is no night float system in place. Residents take home call on all rotations at all clinical sites.
How many residents are there per year?
There are four residents per year. The program hopes to increase this to five or six residents per class in the next two to three years.
What is the call schedule?
The call schedule varies by clinical rotation, rotation site, and training year. On average, call is typically every fourth or sixth day (i.e. q4 to q6) on most rotations. However, some rotations have minimal or no call. We strongly enforce and abide by ACGME guidelines in relation to call responsibilities and duties hours.
How many research projects are residents involved in?
Our residents usually are involved in several unique research projects at any given point in time. The ability to perform clinical, basic science, database, and multi-center-based studies is plentiful. Residents are required to complete one project of publishable quality that is presented and/or published during their training.
How many facilities do residents train in?
Residents train in several facilities located in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Lafayette. In New Orleans, residents spend a majority of their time at the University Medical Center (UMC) located downtown and at the Children's Hospital of New Orleans (CHNOLA) located Uptown. Resident spend a variable amount of time at East Jefferson General Hospital (EJGH), Ochsner Medical Center Kenner (OMCK), and the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System (VA). A majority of the time in Baton Rouge is split between the Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic & Specialty Surgical Center (BROC/SSC) and Our Lady of the Lake (OLOL). Residents are almost exclusively at the University Medical Center (UMC) in Lafayette.
How far are Baton Rouge and Lafayette from New Orleans?
Baton Rouge is approximately one hour from New Orleans and Lafayette is about two hours from New Orleans. Both cities are accessed by Interstate-10. There are no tolls on the commutes to Baton Rouge and Lafayette
Is housing provided in Baton Rouge and Lafayette?
Yes, housing is provided by the department in both cities and is conveniently located within a 5-minute drive from main clinical sites.
Is there a meal stipend?
Yes, residents receive 100 USD monthly at UMC and CHNOLA. Food is provided at clinical training sites free of charge in both Baton Rouge and Lafayette.
Is moonlighting available for residents?
Yes, residents have the opportunity to cover local high school football games for a set compensation per game.
How much time is spent in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Lafayette respectively?
Rotations are divided into 3-month blocks. Over the course of the five-year residency program 15 percent of training is spent in Baton Rouge and 10 percent of training is spent in Lafayette. The majority of training, 75 percent of the five-year residency program, is spent at clinical sites in New Orleans.
Do residents have dedicated call rooms?
Yes, at our main training site (University Medical Center) orthopaedics has two dedicated call rooms. Call rooms are available on site at every clinical site.
Do residents travel for orthopaedic oncology and pediatric orthopaedics?
No, both subspecialities are represented in New Orleans at the University Medical Center and the Children's Hospital of New Orleans respectively.
Is parking available for residents?
Yes, parking for residents in available at all training sites in all cities.

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