School of Medicine

Department of Orthopaedics



Department of Orthopaedics






Orthopaedic Research


Our team includes faculty, clinicians, residents, students and researchers who are interested in finding answers to today's most pressing orthopaedic illnesses. We search for innovative solutions that will help all patients, as well as for each individual patient.

We include students and residents in our work, to ensure they have the skills and training in how to conduct research that will yield answers, and can develop strategic methods for utilizing these answers across our care continuum throughout the state and region.

Our Program

Dr. Dasa

Department Head:

Vinod Dasa, MD

Vice Chairman of Academic Affairs
Irv Cahen Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
Co-Director LSU Musculoskeletal Research Consortium

The LSU Health Sciences Center Department of Orthopaedic Research conducts comprehensive musculoskeletal research. Our broad expertise ranges from the cellular mechanisms of tissue regeneration to health economics of orthopaedic procedures.

We have created the LSU Musculoskeletal Research Consortium, a comprehensive group of musculoskeletal researchers based across the LSU system focusing on translational musculoskeletal research.

Our team is a strong interdisciplinary collaboration of: 

  • faculty primarily devoted to research
  • clinicians who engage in research
  • resident and student research
  • basic scientists and allied health professionals


Scientist in lab
Scientist using microscope

We have developed individualized research programs for residents and students including a unique summer research internship program for students between their first and second years of medical school. Participation in these activities are a vital component of the educational experience and help trainees understand the importance of research in their clinical practice.

Our clinical trials section has grown tremendously over the past few years. With the resources of the LSU Health Sciences Center, our partnership with Ochsner, and Children's Hospital, the research department has the ability to participate in trials across the entire spectrum of musculoskeletal medicine.

Our research programs place a strong emphasis on research quality, and our teams concentrate on generating and implementing new findings to improve orthopaedic care and patient outcomes. 

The cutting-edge research carried out by the LSU is critical to advancing orthopedic medicine. Many of our researchers are involved with other projects across the LSU system and beyond, creating a large source of shareable knowledge and resources.   

Musculoskeletal Research Consortium

Clinical Research:

  • Clinical Trials
  • Disparities of Care
  • Clinical Researchers

Facilities & Partnerships:

  • Center for Gait & Movement
  • Pennington Biomedical Research Facility
  • University Medical Center (UMC)
  • Children's Hospital
  • Oschner Health Centers
  • VA Hospital - New Orleans
  • Pennington Biomedical Research Facility


Research Day 2024

The LSU Health New Orleans Department of Orthopaedic Surgery invites you to the 20th Annual Robert D’Ambrosia Lectureship and Research Day! Your presence as a sponsor and/or exhibitor contributes to the success by establishing mutually beneficial professional relationships.

Our 2024 program provides an example of the format in which you will be recognized. Eight-foot exhibit tables will be near the presentation room. Breakfast and breaks allow visiting with approximately 40 faculty, residents, and students.

2024 Research Day Program

Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Time: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: The downtown campus of the LSU Health Science Center, New Orleans. The exact location will be announced in April.
Sponsorship: $2,000.00.
Payments: Sponsorships can be made by visiting Orthopaedics Research Day - LSU Health Sciences Center Foundation

Or Click Here


Orthopedic Research Society Conference 2022


Jose Cruz Ayala (2nd year medical student) presenting his study "Myofiber switching and fibrosis of the Articularius genu relative to osteoarthritic knee disuse" at the Orthopaedic Research Society conference in Tampa, FL



Ankur Khanna (2nd year medical student) presenting his study Evaluation of the Stopping Opioids after Surgery (SOS) Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Surgery Patients at the Orthopaedic Research Society conference in Tampa, FL


From the latest Tiger Bones Newsletter - Fall 2019 Edition