Xinping Yue, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Pharmacology
Cover figures from the Yue's Lab
News from the Lab:
- Congratulations to Anna Whitehead, from Dr. Xinping Yue’s lab, who was selected to receive the 2023 School of Graduate Studies' Chancellor's Award. This award is granted to the top graduating SGS student and is the highest honor in the Graduate School. We are so proud of you, Anna!!!
Anna Whitehead successfully defended her PhD dissertation on March 16th, 2023.
Congratulations, Dr. Whitehead!

- Anna Whitehead's abstract at the American Society of Hematology was selected for the ASH Abstract Achievement Award (12/11/2022).
- Ms. Anna Whitehead's abstract has been selected by the American Society of Hematology Program Committee for presentation in an Oral Session at the 64th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, December 10-13, 2022, in New Orleans, Louisiana. This in-person event will be broadcast virtually, and access to the meeting's virtual platform is included with registration (10/2022).
- Ms. Anna Whitehead was awarded 2nd place for the Best GRS talk at the Proteoglycan Gordon Research Conference (07/2022)
- New publication from the Yue lab: Alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Mediates Chronic Nicotine Inhalation-Induced Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction, accepted for publication in Clinical Science (06/2022).
- Anna Whitehead (MD/PhD student) was invited to give a plenary presentation on her work entitled “Myeloid Sulf Deletion and Immune Dysfunction in Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency” at the upcoming Proteoglycan Gordon Research Seminar in July 2022.
- Anna Whitehead (MD/PhD student) successfully completed her preliminary exam (05/2022).
- Anna Whitehead (MD/PhD student) was awarded a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) F30 predoctoral fellowship from NHLBI (09/2021).
- Anna Whitehead (MD/PhD student) was awarded a predoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association.
- Anna Whitehead (MD/PhD student) received the 2022 Robert Gunn Award from the American Physiological Society Cell & Molecular Physiology Section
- Congratulations Dr. Yue on your ASH Abstract Achievement Award
Congratulations Anna Whitehead for being awarded “Best Trainee Presentation” at the 17th ADACE Scientific Retreat