Cardiovascular Center Seminar Series
The LSUHSC Center of Excellence in Cardiovascular Research hosts an exciting Cardiovascular Biology Seminar Series! Renowned scientists from prestigious and innovative institutions visit our Center regularly, sharing ideas and inspiring us to become the best. Please take a moment to view the LSU Health Science Center Medical School - Seminar Calendar. These seminars are golden opportunities to learn and visit with other scientists who aspire with similar interests.
Murray Esler, M.D. Head of Human Neurotransmitters Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute “Consequences of the Evolutionary Cardiovascular Challenge of Human Bipedalism: Orthostatic Intolerance Syndromes, Orthostatic Hypertension, Sustained Hypertension?” |
Thurs., Sept. 5, 2019 3:00 PM CSRB RM 563 |
Peipei Ping, Ph.D. Professor, Physiology Professor, Medicine/Cardiology, and Bioinformatics Director, NIH BD2K Center of Excellence at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA “Understanding Cardiac Pathogenesis Via Machine Learning Approaches” |
Tues., Nov. 26, 2019 11:00 AM CSRB RM 563 |
Asa Gustafsson, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Pharmacology Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science University of California-San Diego “Mitochondrial Quality Control: The Difference Between Success and Failure” |
Wed., Dec. 11, 2019 11:00 AM CSRB RM 563 |
Wilson Tang, M.D. Director, Center for Clinical Genomics Research Director, Section of Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Medicine Lemer Research Institute- The Cleveland Clinic “Diet, Gut Microbiome and Cardio-Renal Disease Risk” |
Date: TBD Time: TBD CSRB RM 563 |
Zoltan Arany, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor, Medicine Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania “Novel Players in Mitophagy” |
Tues., Feb. 18, 2020 10:30 AM CSRB RM 563 |
Elizabeth Murphy, Ph.D. Senior Investigator Laboratory of Cardiac Physiology NIH Heart Lung and Blood Institute “The Role of Mitochondrial Calcium in Cell Death” |
Wed., March 4, 2020 2:30 PM CSRB RM 563 |
Tamas Horvath, D.V.M, Ph.D. Chair, Department of Comparative Medicine Director, Yale Program in Integrative Cell Signaling and Neurobiology of Metabolism Yale University School of Medicine “Hunger Promotes Life” |
Tues., April 14, 2020 11:00 AM CSRB RM 563 |
Jill Tardiff, M.D. Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine University of Arizona health Sciences, Sarver Heart Center “New Mechanisms and Approaches to Targeting Thin Filament Dynamics in Hypertropic and Dilated Cardiomyopathies” |
Thurs., May 7, 2020 11:00 AM CSRB RM 563 |
Ju Chen, Ph.D. Professor of Medicine AHA Endowed Chair and Director of Basic Cardiac Research University of California at San Diego “BAG3 In Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure: A New Therapeutic Target for Heart Failure” |
Tues., June 9, 2020 11:00 AM CSRB RM 563 |
John W. Elrod, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Pharmacology Associate Professor, Center ofr Translational Medicine Lewis Katz School of Medicine Temple University “New Therapeutic Targets for Cardiac Fibrosis” |
Thurs., July 9, 2020 11:00 AM CSRB RM 563 |
Daniel P. Kelly, M.D. Willard and Rhoda Ware Professor of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania “Towards Metabolic Modulator Treatment of Heart Failure” |
Thurs., Aug. 27, 2020 11:00 AM CSRB 563 |
Timothy McKinsey, Ph.D. Associate Professor School of Medicine, Division of Cardiology University of Colorado, Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus “Epigenetic Therapies For Heart Failure” |
Wed., Sept. 2, 2020 11:00 AM CSRB 563 |