School of Medicine

Cardiovascular Center of Excellence



Mission statement

  • To maintain a nationally and internationally recognized center of excellence in cardiovascular research and medicine.

  • To facilitate the training of young scientists, including postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, medical students and residents in cardiovascular research and medicine.

  • To encourage the development of basic science, translational, and clinical research with funding from federal agencies and industry



News and Events

Renewal of the Cardiovascular Center of Excellence



Previous Cycle (2018-2022):

  • 43 Research grants $22,000,000
  • Donations and Funds to the Cardiovascular Center $6,000,000
  • 94 publications in leading cardiovascular journals
  • 20 postdoctoral fellows, 15 graduate students, 17 Summer and rotating students
  • 52 academic and industry partners
  • Hosted 63 international experts

Current Cycle (2023-2028):

  • Government and Institutional Grant Support $15,213,998
  • Private Company and Foundation Support $196,063



Spotlight news

Welcome to the Cardiovascular Center Nour Abbes!!



Dr. Uma Priya Mohan honored by the APS

  • Dr. Uma Priya Mohan has been selected as one of the recipients of the 2024 NCAR Research Recognition Award for the American Physiology Summit from April 4-7, 2024, in Long Beach, CA.
  • 2024 Research Recognition Award under Central Nervous System Section



Dr. Lazartigues Honored by American Heart Association

  • Dr. Lazartigues selected as Associate Editor of Cardiovascular Research
  • Dr. Eric Lazartigues was selected to present the 2023 Lewis K. Dahl Memorial Lecture at the American Heart Association Hypertension conference.


  • Dr. Biose received the LAUNCHED travel and small research grant program entitled “Gut dysbiosis and butyrate bioavailability in HFpEF”.
  • Dr. Biose received the LAUNCHED pilot and feasibility award-supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number U24DK132740.

  • Dr. Biose is selected into the 2023 – 2025 LAUNCHED Cohort Scholar Program!




New Publications




Click Here for aLL nEWS AND EVENTS