The History and Legacy of Racial Segregation in Hospitals in the United States
In February, Dr. Ellis Arjmand had grand rounds for the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery about The History and the Legacy of Racial Segregation in Hospitals in the United States. Dr. Arjmand is currently the Surgeon-in-Chief at Children's Hospital New Orleans where he provides oversight of all surgical service lines and is responsible for developing and implementing a strategic vision for the continued growth of high-quality surgical services. He is nationally known for his expertise in healthcare quality improvement and health economics.
After a decade in practice, Dr. Arjmand became increasingly interested in management and delivery of healthcare and decided to go back to school to earn his Masters in Healtcare Management. While in school, Dr. Arjmand found himself enthralled in learning about the history of the Black Hospital movement in the mid 20th century in the United States and about the institutional racism and formalized segregation the existed in United States until the 1960s.
In this lecture, Dr. Armand covers the vast history of institutionalized racism within the US healthcare system and a number of groundbreaking Supreme Court cases such as Simpkins Vs. Cone, otherwise known as the Plessy Vs. Ferguson case of healthcare. Dr. Arjmand delves into the timeline of pivoting points in healthcare history that has taken us from segregation within our hospitals to equity for healthcare workers across the board in the Unites States.