Charles Hansen

What medical school did you attend?
Louisiana State University New Orleans
What undergraduate school did you attend? What did you study?
Louisiana State University
Resident Spotlight:
Hailing from Sulphur, Louisiana, PGY-5 resident Dr. Charles Hansen, is an LSU Medical School alumnus who made his way to orthopedic surgery via, construction and, well, fidgeting.
“I not only did woodworking and played sports, but I built things on a farm, and I
was accustomed to power tools. Orthopedics is essentially woodworking minus the risk
of a table saw taking one of your digits. In addition, my extreme ADHD automatically
ruled out any future career in medicine because I can’t sit still and write notes
all day. I need to be moving and solving problems in order to stay focused, so the
OR was a great fit.”
“I have been so pleased that the LSU staff work very well together. And the autonomy
that we are given early on is unusual and thrilling. We see a wide variety of complex
patients, many whose medical issues are exacerbated by problems with Medicaid, transportation,
etc. I am confident that when LSU orthopedic residents get out into the real world’
there aren’t many things that we have not already seen or at least know how to handle.”
“There have been so many examples of complex patients throughout my residency—complex
in the case itself and in the social factors postoperatively. Often, fractures are
old by the time they finally show up to clinic; they can be challenging but the complexity
of the cases just prepares you to handle any fracture.”
Asked about his most memorable time at LSUHSC he notes, “It was once when Dr. Zura yelled at me in the OR (I 100% deserved it) and then without any resentment went right back to operating and teaching me how to fix whatever fracture we were fixing. I responded well to that and knew he was going to make me a great surgeon!”
“I will soon be heading for an adult reconstruction fellowship in Wisconsin,” says
Dr. Hansen. “And because of the training here, I will be prepared for anything.”