Service support policies
All the services are provided on a fee-for-service or cost sharing funding mechanisms. All fee-for-service and cost sharing must be agreed upon at the start of the project and must be paid for upon completion. Should the investigator or collaborator chose to withdraw or terminate the project, hourly fees will apply. Collaborative grant funding will be agreed upon during grant application or negotiated if the grant is funded and on-going, and will be assessed on a continuous basis as agreed by the parties. Both payment mechanisms will include labor and computing costs.
A one time 30-minute free service (Free Clinic) will be provided to each investigator or collaborator for each project at first visit to assess the investigator's needs and the project. All costs will be assessed on a case by case and must be paid upon completion of the project. A user request/agreement form will be provided and must be signed before work on the project begins. All collaborative grant applications or grant supported projects must carry an effort of minimum of 5% depending on the scope of work. A minimum of 1 month notice is required for revision grants. Up to 3 months notice is required for new grant applications. All the projects will be logged.
Human subjects research and IRB approval
The Bioinformatics and Genomics Program is committed to protecting the rights and welfare of individuals participating as subjects in research. In order to efficiently and effectively assist with projects where data has been or is being collected, we require information regarding IRB approval or exemption from one of the Universities IRB committees. We are requesting IRB information approval on all research involving human subjects in which actual data sets are reviewed or analyzed. Requests from clients not affiliated with LSUHSC will be reviewed by the Institute staff on a case-by-case basis to determine research aspects and whether IRB approval is required. IRB information may be requested before the project can proceed. The information requested can consist of a copy of the official approval letter from the IRB committee, an email, fax, or departmental letter from the PI stating the approval date and committee name.