Chindo Hicks, Ph.D. Professor and Program Director, Department of Genetics
Research Bioinformatics and computational genomics Multiplatform and multiscale data analysis and integration Genomics and epigenomics of common human diseases Pathway prediction and modeling gene regulatory networks Knowledge and Drug discovery using big data
Phone: 504-568-2657 e-mail: chick3@lsuhsc.edu
Judy S. Crabtree, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics Director, School of Medicine Genomics Core
Research The Crabtree Laboratory focuses on neuroendocrine tumors and uses in vitro, in vivo
and genomic strategies to understand mechanisms of tumorigenesis in these tumors.
Phone: 504-568-2963 E-mail: jcrabt@lsuhsc.edu
Zhide Fang, Ph.D. Professor & Director, Biostatistics, School of Public Health
Research Bioinformatics: Microarray, Next-generation sequencing data analysis, DNA copy number
analysis, Metagenomics, microRNA, Gene set enrichment/Pathway analysis Design of Experiments: Survival Analysis, Reliability analysis, Statistical computation,
Theory of Canonical Moments
Phone: 504-568-6089 Email: zfang@lsuhsc.edu
Ed Grabczyk, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics
Research DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is essential for maintaining genome integrity. However,
when it comes to certain types of repetitive DNA, MMR actually contributes to genome
instability. We study the dynamic MMR-mediated somatic mutation of disease-causing
DNA repeats.
Phone: 504-568-6154 Email: egrabc@lsuhsc.edu
Paula Gregory, Ph.D. Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics Director, Faculty Development Office
Research Dr. Gregory has a primary focus on training and career development, with a keen interest
in genomics education. She is also the PI on studies that use genomics to identify
founder gene mutations within the Acadian population that predispose to colon cancer.
Phone: 504-568-6153 E-mail: pgrego@lsuhsc.edu
Andrew D. Hollenbach, Ph.D. Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics
Research His research focuses on understanding the role of an oncogenic fusion protein, PAX3-FOXO1
in the development of the childhood solid muscle tumor Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Specifically, he uses large scale comparative genomics analyses to determine how the
oncogene globally alters mRNA and miRNA expression to promote known tumor phenotypes
of aneuploidy, chromosomal structure, proliferation and invasion. Further, he is interested
in examining primary tumor samples to determine if an altered gene expression signature
is prevalent in these tumors, all aimed at using this genomics data for potential
therapy development.
phone: 504-568-2431 E-mail: aholle@lsuhsc.edu
Hui-Yi Lin, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health
Research Dr. Lin's primary research interest is in gene-gene and gene-environmental interactions.
Dr. Lin has participated in several genome-wide association (GWA) studies in various
cancers. Her research area is in genetic statistics, including single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP), gene expression, methylation data analyses. She has published several statistical
methodology papers for evaluating SNP-SNP interactions.
Phone: 504-568-6083 Email: hlin1@lsuhsc.edu
Wanguo Liu, PhD Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics and Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center Morey L. Sear and Dr. Oliver Sartor Endowed Professor for Prostate Cancer
Research Molecular basis disease aggressiveness and health disparities in prostate cancer among
African American men using genetics and genomics approaches. Discovery and functional
characterization of clinically actionable biomarkers and therapeutic targets in prostate
Phone: 504-210-3326 E-mail: wliu2@lsuhsc.edu
Diptasri Mandal, Ph.D. Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics
Research Dr. Mandal's research focus includes the investigation of the role of genetic loci
in susceptibility to complex diseases, in particular, familial prostate cancer and
lung cancer. She has expertise in genetic and molecular epidemiology and implements
the strategies of linkage analysis, sequencing, and copy number variation analysis
in identifying the genetic variants responsible for increased susceptibility to complex
Phone: 504-568-6156 E-mail: dmanda@lsuhsc.edu
Christopher M. Taylor, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Parasitology
Research Dr. Taylor's lab focuses on computational biology and analysis of genomic sequencing
data. Our primary research focus is on understanding the composition of bacterial
communities and their interaction with the host and influence on behavior and disease
states. Our most recent work has investigated the influence of a high fat diet shaped
gut microbiota on the behavior of mice, the potential oral vaccination of mice against
pneumonia, and the interaction of gut bacterial communities in newborn infants who
develop necrotizing enterocolitis. We are also very interested in viral and fungal
communities and sequence SIV and Influenza virus strains to investigate sequence variation.
Phone: 504-568-406 E-mail: ctay15@lsuhsc.edu
Fern Tsien, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics Director, Science Youth Initiative Director, Research Experiences for Underrepresented Minorities in the Sciences (REU)
Research Clinical genetics: Chromatin instability in disorders that affect the Louisiana Acadian
population and genomics of auditory/communication disorders Health science education and introduction of research careers to underrepresented
minorities in the sciences.
Phone: 504-568-2080 Email: fmille@lsuhsc.edu
Xi, Yaguang MD, PhD, MBA Professor and Vice Chair for Research
Research Interests: The role of MicroRNAs in cancer
Phone: 504-568-2464 Email: yxi@lsuhsc.edu
Jovanny Zabaleta, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center
Research Genomics of inflammatory diseases, especially those in the gastrointestinal tract,
including gastritis and gastric, pancreatic and colorectal cancers. Other areas of
interest include genomics of prostate, breast cancer and leukemia. Dr. Zabaleta is
the contact person for the SSSCC Molecular Genomics Core.
Phone: 504-210 2979 Email: jzabal@lsuhsc.edu