Web of Science: Search, Export to Refworks, and Set Alerts
Kathryn E. Kerdolff, MLIS
Associate Professor/Librarian
Web of Science (WoS) (New) is a great database for locating articles as well as abstracts from the
scientific and medical literature. While much of the journal literature cited in WoS
is also indexed in PubMed, the addition of conference and meeting abstracts is unique
to WoS.
Begin using WoS by accessing the database from the library homepage.
Click on Databases and then the W for Web of Science.
*Register for a WoS profile, and sign in thereafter when using the database. Your profile will let you access and use all the extras available.
Use your LSUHSC email as your user ID, but do NOT use your current lLSUHSC password. Create a password that you will remember. This
will not change.
Searching for Documents (articles and abstracts):
Basic Search: enter topics separately by adding a row for each.
Example: teamwork
Click on Citation Reports to see the number of times the articles have been cited.
Select citations by clicking in the box
Click on Export to save the citations.
Exporting selected documents.
RefWorks is not one of the selections in the pull-down menu.
Follow these steps to get citations into RefWorks.
• Click on the pull-down menu
• Select Plain text file
• Click Export
• The file will be on your computer called savedrecs - Notepad
• Save the file.
• Open your Refworks
• Select import references
• Choose Thompson Reuters as the Import filter/Data source
• Choose Web of Science as the database
• Select your file (savedrecs)
• Change encoding to UTF-8
• Import
Setting alerts for a “favorite” author to see who is citing the author (particularly if it is you!)
o Go back to basic search
o Use the pull-down menu and select author
o Type in last name space first name initial and an * (Example Paige j*) Search
o Check the Refine results to filter to the author of choice. Refine
o Click on Create Alert
o You will receive an email when the author is cited.
If you have any questions about Web of Science contact Kathy Kerdolff kkerdo@lsuhsc.edu.