School of Medicine

Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Fellowship Program

Didactics and Conferences


The A/I division has multiple weekly conferences and educational activities. During the summer months, fellows participate in twice weekly lecture series (Mondays and Fridays) for 2 hours each day.  During this 2 month series they learn the basics of our specialty via participation in the COLA series (Conferences Online in Allergy).


During the remainder of the academic year,  Friday morning is dedicated to fellow education and all the fellows and faculty participate in these weekly lectures and activities.  The Friday schedule is as follows:


8am:  Board Review Series

9am:  City Wide A/I Case Conference (presentation by A/I fellow)

10am: Basic Immunology Review 

11am:  Bench to Bedside Core Curriculum Series

12pm: Journal Club/M and M/Fellowship Administrative Meeting


Blocks of time are also set aside during the week for fellows to read scholarly articles and prepare for the Friday conferences.   


Additionally, all fellows attend national conferences including ACAAI and AAAAI.  On a regional level, our fellows also attend the LSAAI meeting held annually here in New Orleans where they present case reports and didactic lectures to the members.