Faculty Resources
LSU Otolaryngology Mentorship-Proctorship Program
To create a mentorship opportunity and support structure for the 360 development of
Otolaryngology faculty within the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
Mentorship-Proctorship Committee Members:
Co-Chairs: Rohan Walvekar, MD and Belinda Mantle, MD
Celeste Gary, MD
Jennifer Hanby, MD
Alison Kern
Robert Peden, MD
Justin Sowder, MD
Vil Vaitaitis, MD
Committee Meeting Schedule:
Every Other Month on 2nd Thursday from 4:30-5:30pm
Review Proctor Forms and Provide Feedback.
Committee to follow up with Mentor-Mentees 2 times per year March/April and Sept/Oct
Mentor-Mentees are to meet quarterly.
Please email Dr. Walvekar and Dr. Mantle with any of your questions, concerns, feedback or recommendations regarding the LSU Otolaryngology Department.