Office of Medical Education

Undergraduate Medical Education

Aesculapian Society

The Aesculapian Society, founded in 1963, is a service organization with the fundamental objective to function as a liaison between students and the faculty.  It is composed of students of the LSU School of Medicine, each of whom has been elected to membership by the members of his or her class.

The purpose of the Aesculapian Society is to promote the amicable exchange of opinion between the student body and the faculty, with a view to the consistent betterment of the educational, medical, and scientific standards of the School of Medicine.  In addition, the Society endeavors to aid in any way possible the various classes, faculty, and other organizations of the School of Medicine.

The primary role of the Aesculapian Society is to collect, organize, record, and voice the opinions of the students regarding all required clinical and pre-clinical courses.  This is a continuous evaluation process which, to the credit of an interested and receptive faculty, has had a significant impact on the evolution of the medical curriculum at LSU. Being an entirely student managed organization, the Aesculapian Society provides a student’s perspective of the courses in the curriculum, and provides the faculty and administration with valuable information regarding the utility and/or futility of various aspects of courses in the curriculum.

The Aesculapians are involved in many activities within the medical community.  Perhaps most importantly, the Course Evaluation Summary Reports of each course are reviewed on an annual basis by the Evaluation Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee. 

The Aesculapian Society holds an annual banquet as an opportunity for students, faculty, and administrators to pause in recognition of shared interests and camaraderie.  As a means of honoring teaching excellence, each year the Society sponsors the selection of Outstanding Professors from each pre-clinical year, and Outstanding Professor, Resident, and Intern for each clinical year.  These individuals are presented with an award at the annual banquet. 

For more information regarding the Aesculapian Society, click the link below.