Genetics of Prostate Cancer: Role of Family History
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Diptasri M. Mandal
Prostate Gland and Its Function
The prostate is a male sex gland. About the size of a walnut and weighing less than
an ounce, the prostate gland surrounds the urethra, a tube that transports urine from
the bladder and out of the body. The gland is located below the bladder and in front
of the rectum. The prostate gland produces a thick fluid that forms part of the semen,
which nourishes and helps with transporting sperm. This gland has two distinct tissue
types: glandular tissue and muscular tissue. Glandular tissue in the prostate gland
produces the fluid and the muscular tissue promotes the male ejaculation.
Cancer of the Prostate
For a healthy person, cells grow and divide to produce more cells when the body needs
them. Cancer of the prostate is caused if the cells keep dividing when new cells are
not needed. This excess tissue forms a clump that is called a tumor. The tumor can
be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). In malignant tumors, cells divide
out of control. They invade and destroy nearby healthy tissue. If the cancer spreads
from the original tumor to other areas, it is called metastasic.
Incidence and Mortality
Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy occurring in as many as
15% of men in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimated that during
2005 approximately 232,090 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in the United
States. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, exceeded only by lung
cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that 30,350 men in the U.S. will die
of this disease during 2005.
Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
A risk factor is anything that increases a person's chance of developing a disease.
A number of possible risk factors for the occurrence of prostate cancer are being
actively explored to understand how these factors cause cells in the prostate gland
to become cancerous. Some of the risk factors in prostate cancer suggested by researchers
are age, race, nationality, diet, and family history. The only one possible risk factor
that can be controlled is diet. A diet low in fat is associated with reduced risk
of prostate cancer. Also, the intake of lycopene or other compounds in tomato-based
products may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The risk of developing prostate cancer
increases with age. More than 70% of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over
age 65. Race is also considered to be a major risk factor. African Americans have
the highest prostate cancer incidence rates in the world. Interestingly, the disease
is common in North America and Northwestern Europe and is rare in Asia, Africa, and
South America. So, diet probably has a major role to play in the incidence of prostate
Importance of Family History in Prostate Cancer
Recent genetic studies suggest that hereditary factors may be responsible for 5%-10%
of prostate cancers. The risk increases in relatives of affected men. Men with a first
degree relative with prostate cancer have a two to three fold increase in risk relative
to the general population. This means that a brother, father, or son of a prostate
cancer case has a risk of prostate cancer that is approximately double the population
risk. Male relatives with two first-degree relatives have a five-fold increased risk,
whereas, a family history of three first-degree relatives with prostate cancer gives
rise to an increased risk of 11-fold in male relatives. Therefore, relatives with
a stronger family history would be more likely to have prostate cancer over relatives
of a single case, which means the more cases in a family the higher the risk to other
male relatives. Therefore, the familial aggregation of prostate cancer is useful in
studying the inherited risk to the disease. In addition, relatives of early onset
cases would have a higher risk of having prostate cancer over that of later onset
cases. It was also found that brothers of cases diagnosed under the age of 65 had
a six-fold increased risk of developing prostate cancer under the age of 65 themselves.
So, the three important modifiers of risk related to familial history of prostate
cancer are: (1) the age of the man at risk, (2) the age of the affected relative,
and (3) the number of relatives with prostate cancer. The following criteria have
been defined for diagnosing hereditary prostate cancer:
1. a cluster of three or more first-degree relatives with prostate cancer; or
2. prostate cancer in each of three generations in the paternal or maternal lineage; or
3. two or more first- or second-degree relatives with prostate cancer under the age of 55.
Search for Genes in Prostate Cancer
Recent advances in genetic research focus on genes linked to hereditary prostate cancer.
Data from independent studies suggest evidence for both an autosomal dominant pattern
of inheritance and X-linked or autosomal recessive modes of inheritance. Males in
families with X-linked or recessive modes of inheritance for prostate cancer have
a higher risk if they have an affected brother(s) with prostate cancer than if their
father is affected.
The genetic studies performed to date, mostly on Caucasian families, suggest that
seven potential prostate cancer genes are involved in Hereditary Prostate Cancer ,
which means that genetic risk factors may differ among families. Three of them are
located on chromosome 1 (HPC1, PCAP and CAPB) and the other four are located on chromosome
17 (HPC2), chromosome 20 (HPC20), chromosome 8 and the X chromosome (HPCX). Thus
far, the search for prostate cancer genes resulted in the identification of three
genes (RNASEL at HPC1 region, MSR1 on chromosome 8, ELAC2 at HPC region). However, no single susceptible gene is by itself responsible for
a large portion of familial prostate cancers and data were used only from the Caucasian
Complexities in Prostate Cancer Research to Identify Genes
So far, six potential prostate cancer genes are reported in the literature. All but
HPC2 are yet to be isolated, and they probably are responsible for only a relatively
small proportion of affected individuals in the general population. The disease is
very complex due to the existence of more than one gene and decreased penetrance.
(Penetrance is the probability that an individual carrying a disease gene is affected.
Sometimes an individual who carries a gene for prostate cancer may not show symptoms).
Moreover, sporadic and hereditary cases may co-exist in some families. Thus far, genetic
research studies to identify genes have been performed on Caucasian Americans. Interestingly,
confirmatory studies have usually failed to find the suggested genes in a different
population. A large number of families from different populations with family histories
of multiple affected prostate cancer cases are needed to confirm suggested genes and
to find any new gene that may exist in the population.
Use of Genetic Family Study in Prostate Cancer Prevention
Once the genes are identified, additional family data are needed for identification
of specific mutations in families and for determining the penetrances of different
mutations. This information helps us to estimate an individual's risk in a family
with a history of prostate cancer. The main problem associated with the mortality
in prostate cancer is that most of the time it is diagnosed at an advanced stage when
the cancer is metastasized to other organs. The detection of existing genes or finding
new genes will improve the detection and diagnosis of this cancer at an earlier age
when the cancer is curable. Findings from genetic family studies will allow testing
to identify men with specific genetic risk factors, and this in turn will help with
cancer prevention strategies.
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