School of Medicine

Office of Faculty & Institutional Affairs

International Travel


International travel* for school business requires significant advance planning.  Please review the guidelines and procedures carefully.  Here are a few important points for quick consideration. 

International travel to meetings for presentation of an abstract 

  1. Faculty must submit the abstract and the travel proposal to the Department Head/Center Director and the International Travel Committee for approval prior to submission to the international meeting.  This generally means that faculty must submit for these approvals at least a month before the submission deadline for the meeting. Plan ahead!
  2. If faculty submit an abstract to a meeting before obtaining approval from the Department Head and the International Travel Committee, the school will not approve the travel.
  3. See the Submission Process below and the international travel policy for additional information.

International travel to give an invited presentation

  1. International meetings that invite faculty to speak or serve in some other capacity are expected to provide some funding for travel. 
  2. If the meeting organizers will fully support the travel without the need for school or foundation funds, the travel proposal will still require approval by the Department Head/Center Director.  Then the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Institutional Affairs will review the proposal and may determine that there is no need for review by the International Travel Committee.
  3. If faculty will request school or foundation funds to support the travel, the International Travel Committee must approve the proposal before the invitation is accepted.
  4. See the Submission Process below and the international travel policy for additional information.

International travel for clinical rotations and other educational experiences

  1. A Health Sciences Center committee has approved certain educational rotations under the guidance of CM-65.  The International Travel Committee does not review travel for approved educational rotations. 

International travel for other reasons

  1. The International Travel Committee will review proposals for travel for other reasons on a case-by- case basis.
  2. The International Travel Committee does not generally approve travel to international meetings for personal educational purposes only, without serving or presenting.  The school may not support international travel for an invited lecture if there is no accompanying funding for the travel.
  3. See the Submission Process below and the International Travel Policy for additional information.

International Travel Policy ( PDF )

Traveler Justification Form (PDF)

Department Head/Center Director Justification (PDF)

International Travel Request Checklist for submission (PDF)

Submission Process for International Travel Approval 

  1. Discuss the travel with your Department Head or Center Director. 
  2. Submit the abstract to the Department Head or Center Director for their review and approval.  If you are invited to a meeting to present or serve in other capacities, discuss the invitation with your Department Head or Center Director.
  3. Fill out the Traveler Justification Form.
  4. Attach the abstract for possible submission or the invitation to speak or serve at the meeting.
  5. Attach the meeting brochure or announcement, showing the meeting dates, location, and the abstract submission deadline if submitting an abstract.
  6. Attach any relevant additional information such as agreements to provide support for travel
  7. Attach a prior approval form
  8. Department Head or Center Director will fill out their justification form
  9. Submit the justification forms and all attachments to the Dean's Office by the 15th of the month.
  10. Notification of approval or non-approval will be within two weeks. 
  11. Once approved by the International Travel Committee, you may submit the proposed abstract to the meeting.  If the abstract is accepted, then the department should resubmit the prior approval form along with the notice of acceptance of the abstract for presentation.
  12. If the travel is by invitation, you may accept the invitation once the International Travel Committee approves the travel.  The prior approval form will be signed and returned to the department.

*Some professional societies hold their meetings in Canada or Mexico.  Travel to Canada or Mexico is approved through the normal school prior approval process and does not require approval by the International Travel Committee


March 2025