School of Medicine

Faculty Assembly

President's Top 4

Every month, Dr. Jason Gardner, President of the Faculty Assembly, picks the top 4 issues discussed at the Faculty Assembly meeting.

1. Update on planning for LCME Site Visit

2. Update on MEB renovations

3. Update from the Faculty Senate, Assembly Executive Committee, and SOM Administrative Council

4. Update on Faculty searches 

Dean's Quote of the Month

Every month the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee meets with Dean DiCarlo to discuss issues that are important to LSUHSC-SOM faculty. This month, in a discussion about our efforts to achieve our collective goals of excellence in patient care and research.

"Our faculty want the SOM to be known as an innovative institution that makes advances in research, in addition to providing outstanding education and producing great doctors"

Congratulations to our 2024 Faculty Assembly Award Winners!

Outstanding Mentor

Erich Conrad, MD (Department of Psychiatry)


Outstanding Service to the Institution

Judy Crabtree, PhD (Department of Genetics)


Outstanding Service to the Community

Jennifer Creedon, MD (Department of Psychiatry)


Outstanding Junior Faculty Member

Catherine Hudson, MD (accepted by a faculty member from her department, Department of Gastroenterology) 


Outstanding Service in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Discrimination Efforts

Sebastian Del Corral Winder, PsyD (Department of Psychology)


2024 Copping Award Winner

Basic Science Teaching Award

Deidre Devier, PhD (Associate Professor, Departments of Clinical Anatomy & Neurology)


2024-2025 Faculty Assembly President Message


J Gardner
Welcome to the School of Medicine (SOM) Faculty Assembly website! The Assembly is composed of 38 Delegates that represent SOM Clinical and Basic Science faculty and who were elected by SOM faculty. The Delegates serve the SOM faculty by representing them as a collective voice to both the Administration of the SOM and the entire LSU Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC-NO). To accomplish this purpose, the Assembly has monthly scheduled meetings and works closely with the Dean of the School of Medicine. Furthermore, the Assembly elects 8 Senators to represent the SOM faculty and Assembly on the Faculty Senate of the LSUHSC.

Faculty Assembly meetings are open to all faculty of the SOM and approved Minutes are posted on this website. SOM Faculty are encouraged to participate in Assembly activities by attending meetings and/or identifying issues of interest. This can be done by attending a meeting in person, via a Delegate, or the link on the right-hand side of this website page. The list of Assembly Delegates can be found on this website under the "Roster" tab.

This year, the Faculty Assembly anticipates working on a number of initiatives, including:

  1. Keeping faculty up-to-date on the renovation of the Medical Education Building (MEB) and the Center for Advanced Learning and Simulation (CALS);

  2. Addressing issues impacting basic science and clinical faculty that arise throughout the year;

  3. Updating faculty on the LCRC relationship with LSU, other local institutions, and the State;

  4. Continuing the tradition of giving Faculty Assembly Awards to recognize outstanding SOM faculty (Awards include: Outstanding Service to the Institution, Outstanding Service to the Community, Outstanding Mentor, Outstanding Accomplishment by a Junior Faculty Member and Outstanding Service in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and anti-discrimination efforts. Nominations for these awards are solicited in the Spring).

The Delegates of the Faculty Assembly are proud to serve the SOM faculty as their voice to the administration and welcome participation by all SOM faculty members. We hope to hear from you about your ideas. At this time, Assembly meetings are being held on first Thursday of the month in person and via Zoom. If you would like to attend an Assembly meeting, please contact us at for information.

Please continue to visit this webpage for updates on the Assembly's work. We look forward to working with the SOM faculty!

Jason Gardner, PhD, Kai and Earl Rozas Professor of Physiology

Faculty Assembly President

Current Agenda


Next Meeting:
October 3, 2024
Time and Place: 

Hybrid meeting:

Lions Building, Room 544

email for Zoom link


Faculty Assembly wants to hear from you

Click here to suggest agenda items


Thinking about promotion?

Need temporary funding to support your research?

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