Join us for our next Faculty Development Event! When new events are offered, an email will be sent to all SOM faculty, and information will be posted on this website.
Lafayette Tune-Ups
Baton Rouge Tune-Ups
Description: Do you find yourself coaching/mentoring trainees or even peers to produce publishable
papers? With limited time available for this role, it’s crucial to maximize the effectiveness
of your feedback and to do it in the shortest time possible. Learn how to accomplish
both. Learning objectives:
Ready for Game Day: Be Prepared to Contribute in Journal Club 1:00-2:00pm Description: Whether you’re presenting an article or just want to be ready to contribute meaningful
critique to the discussion, this workshop will prepare you to engage in meaningful
ways in your next journal club. Participants will leave prepared to give a five-minute
article presentation when the next opportunity arises. Learning objectives:
Winning with Words: Using Narrative Style to Engage Readers 2:15-3:45pm Description: What can Hollywood screenwriters teach us about academic writing? Learn to incorporate
narrative (storytelling) elements into your peer-reviewed manuscripts, poster presentations,
and grant proposals to engage editors, reviewers, selection committees, and other
target audiences. Explore how to write from the reader’s perspective and the link
between narrative writing and citation frequency. Learning objectives: