About the Medical Education & Innovation Center/Tour
In 1974, Dr. Tinsley Harrison wrote, "If our technical schools can train excellent engineers, as they do, and our schools of divinity can train dedicated ministers, as they do, it does not seem an insuperable task for our medical schools to train physicians that can think like engineers and feel like ministers." On a philosophical basis, a challenge in medical education is to create an environment that fosters the development of highly sophisticated critical thinkers while simultaneously remaining focused on the humanism that defines the most outstanding clinicians. This is the thematic foundation upon which LSU's Medical Education and Innovation Center (MEIC) was designed.
The MEIC's mission is to attract purpose-driven individuals of whom Dr. Catherine
Lucey, Vice-Dean for Education at the University of California at San Francisco, references
in the following commentary. "Residents who choose to work caring for vulnerable populations
are a special group of people. They are truly purpose driven and they are willing
to work to make sure that everyone in a community has access to the kind of doctors
we all want for the people we love. The literature shows that physicians who train
in such environments are much more likely to continue to serve the poor and disenfranchised,
even though it may mean personal sacrifice."
The MEIC will foster a "sense of place" for all purpose driven individuals attracted
to Baton Rouge. This idea was proposed by Ms. Carol Gikas, the President and Executive
Director of the Louisiana Art & Science Museum. "Whenever we experience a sense of
place, we know it and we remember it. Experiencing a sense of place prepares our senses,
minds, and hearts to be engaged, and it instills a desire in us to join the community
of others that has given meaning to a place. Appropriateness of design and the authenticity
of objects in a space are important elements that help foster a feeling of human belonging.
Where there is a strong sense of space there is a strong sense of pride."
The notable artwork and spaces contributing to our sense of place are found on the
second floor Teaching Terrace, in the Reconciliation Room and rounding areas located
throughout the building. The MEIC, through its award winning design, also pays tribute
to Charity Hospital in New Orleans and the LSU undergraduate campus in Baton Rouge.
The tower on the east side of the building is reminiscent of the Campanile on LSU's
main campus, and the outdoor garden and terraced seating area was influenced by the
Greek Theater. A contemporary interpretation of Enrique Alferez's Art Deco piece found
above the main entrance of Charity Hospital is displayed on the back wall of the first
floor lobby.
As the epicenter of GME efforts in Baton Rouge, the MEIC creates a peaceful and reflective environment that conveys a message that medicine should remain foremost a healing profession that embodies humanism as one of its most fundamental characteristics.