School of Medicine

Office of Alumni Affairs

Committee of 100 Short Banner


Founded in 1983, the Committee of 100 - Champions of Excellence was created to fund endowed chairs and professorships to attract and retain exceptional faculty, supporting their teaching, research, and service. To date,  over 30 endowed chairs and professorships have been established across LSU Health School of Medicine’s departments. The principal funds remain intact, with the annual interest supporting a named professor—ensuring lasting educational excellence.
Having established numerous chairs and professorships, the focus of the Committee of 100 has shifted in recent years to supporting special projects to benefit the School of Medicine. Such projects are heavily dependent upon alumni support.
Examples include:

  • The Center for Advanced Practice
  • The Student Learning Center (featuring state-of-the-art simulators)
  • The Cardiovascular Center of Excellence
  • Research Vascular Lab
YOU Can Make a Difference
As a Committee of 100 - Champions of Excellence member, you’ll play a vital role in supporting and enhancing the school that provided you with a high-quality, affordable education. Members are key in helping to advance the initiatives set forth by the LSU Medical Alumni Association's Board of Directors and the school's leadership. Together, we can ensure the next generation of physicians receives an exceptional education.


Membership Levels

  • Regular Members pledge $10,000

  • Double Members pledge $20,000

  • Life Members pledge $25,000

Pledges are typically fulfilled over 10 years.



Member Benefits

  • Recognition in the alumni publication, Medicinews
  • Voting privileges at the Annual Business Meeting
  • Invitation to the Annual Committee of 100 Banquet for members and guests
  • New member recognition award   

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