School of Medicine

Department of Surgery


Contact Us

General and Trauma Surgery:

Lance Stuke, MD  
Associate Professor, 
General Surgery
Program Director,
Phone: (504) 568-4750

John P. Hunt, MD, MPH, FACS 

Professor of Trauma Surgery and Anesthesia Trauma Program Director
Phone: (504) 568-4750


Program Coordinator, Prelim & PGY1: 
Jeanne Zar 
(504) 568-2249

Program Coordinator,
PGY2 - PGY5:

Brandi Donelon
(504) 568-2729


Plastic Surgery:

Charles L. Dupin, MD, FACS
Clinical Professor,
Chief & Program Director
Phone: (504) 568-4750

Terie Capella, MSW
(504) 568-3310


Vascular Surgery:

Malachi Sheahan III, MD
Associate Professor and
Program Director
Phone: (504) 568-4750

Rachael Carrington 
(504) 568-4748


Student Education:

Angie LeBoeuf
(504) 568-4760



General Surgery Residency

Critical Care Fellowship

Colon and Rectal Surgery Fellowship

  • Program Director: Guy Orangio, MD
  • Program Coordinator: Rachael Carrington

Plastic Surgery Residency and Microsurgery Fellowship

Vascular Surgery Integrated Residency and Fellowship

Student Clerkship


Residency Programs Surgery Residency

The Department of Surgery currently offers four residency programs: General Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Independent Program,Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Integrated Program, and a Vascular Surgery Integrated Program. Located in New Orleans, all of the LSU surgery residency programs offer excellent training through a wide variety of surgical cases and a diverse patient population.

General Surgery Residency Program Website

Vascular Surgery Residency Program Website

Plastic Surgery Residency Program Website


Fellowships Surgery Residency

The Department of Surgery currently offers three fellowship programs. A one year, ACGME accredited fellowship in Surgical Critical Care, with an optional second year concentrating on Trauma Surgery, a 2-year ACGME accredited fellowship in Vascular Surgery, and a 1-year ACGME accredited Colorectal Surgery fellowship.

Critical Care Surgery Fellowship Website

Vascular Surgery Fellowship Website

Colorectal Surgery Fellowship Website



The nine-week surgery clerkship is an intense clinical experience that introduces students to the basic principles of surgery. The clerkship is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills relevant to surgical management that all physicians should possess. In addition, it aims to emphasize teamwork, patient responsibility, and professional behavior as essential qualities for young physicians to develop.

Surgery Residency

Surgery Clerkship Website


Annual Lectureships

The department of surgery features 3 annual lectureships: Isidore Cohn, Jr - James D. Rives Annual Visiting Professorship in Surgery, Claude Craighead Visiting Professorship in Vascular Surgery and Irving & Mrs. Lillian Levin Annual Lectureship Series in Colon & Rectal Surgery.




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2015 2:34:24 PM


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