If you are looking for funding for a student organization or interest group project or event, the LSUHSC School of Medicine Student Government Association may be able to help support you. Submitting a request for funding does not guarantee funding will be provided. The information below will help you prepare a strong proposal. Please reach out to Peyton Simons or Nina Patel if you have any questions.
Request for Fundings
Any officially recognized LSUHSC School of Medicine student organization in good standing may submit a funding request to be heard by the LSUHSC School of Medicine Executive SGA. Requests should be submitted a minimum of 3 weeks before the funds will be needed to ensure there is sufficient time for review, discussion, and voting on the request. A maximum of $200 per club per academic year for organizational expenses is allowed. Therefore, requests over $200 may be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Before submitting a proposal for funding:
Before you request funding from SGA, please ensure you give yourself and our committee enough time for this process. Please determine what specific items or services you will be purchasing using the requested funding if approved.
- If you are requesting funding for items, get quotes for the items that you are requesting or attach invoices from previous item purchases.
- If you are requesting funding for services, quotes for the services that you are requesting, or previous invoices or receipts should be submitted.
- Requests for funding for food must include an estimated amount requested per person.
All requests should include who is expected to be in attendance and who the event is open to. For example, student interest groups have events that are mostly attended by dues-paying members but are open to any LSU School of medicine student, while other events may be held in conjugation with neighboring medical schools and students from either school are welcome as well as the public are welcome to attend.
What to include in your funding request proposal:
Your submitted proposal should ideally include the following:
- Project/event description: A brief description of what the funding will be used for, including who will be benefiting and who is welcome to participate.
- Requested funds: The amount being requested and a detailed breakdown of how it will be spent.
- Alternatives: Other alternatives that were considered. This can include how the rest of the project/event is being funded if your request only covers a portion of the costs.
- Current finances: If your organization collects dues or raises funds, please submit your account balances and detail how this money is being spent or allocated. Specifically list the dues collected per member (if your organization collects due) and list any funding from your organization’s budget that will go towards the event.
- Sustainability: How will your organization continue this project or hold this event after this requested funding is used.
- Documentation: Current account balance (if applicable), budget from the previous year’s event or purchase (if applicable), quotes and/or invoices (if applicable), detailed breakdown of how funding will be spent
If your funding request is approved:
SGA operates on a reimbursement model. If your request is approved, you will receive a reimbursement for up to the approved funding amount upon submitting either an official invoice or receipt detailing the items or services purchased and a list of attendees or participants from the LSU School of Medicine at the event or in the project. Any funding not spent will not be given to your organization. For example, if your student organization was approved for funding of $150 for an event but only ended up spending $134, your student organization will be given $134 to cover the costs for the event. However, if $163 was spent on the event, your student organization will be required to cover the $13.
If your funding request is denied:
You are allowed to inquire about why your request was denied and we will work to provide you with information and guidance as we can. If you fix those issues, you can re-submit your funding request but please allow for a minimum of 3 weeks to ensure there is time for the committee to review, discuss, and vote.
Last updated: January 2025