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Summer 2015 Mentoring
The LSUHSC Department of Physiology hosted 21 students, 6 high school, 12 undergraduate, and 3 medical students during the summer of 2015. Students performed supervised research and were mentored by senior graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty. The research rotations were supported by LSUHSC Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU/NSF), LSUHSC Summer Research Internship Program (R25/NIAAA), Louisiana Biomedical Research Network Summer Research Program, and American Physiological Society Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship (STRIDE), providing students with competitive stipends for their research efforts. During their time, students learned: 1) laboratory techniques used in medical research; 2) how to design a project; and 3) how to interpret the data. The students also attended weekly seminars and received training in presentation skills (poster and oral) and abstract writing. At the end of the summer all students presented their research results at a poster or oral symposium. Participating students came from various institutions including Cumberland University, TN; LSU Baton Rouge, LA; Xavier University, LA; Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies, LA; Université d'Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France.