Current Research Interests in the Department of Physiology
HIV/Immune Research |
Patricia E. Molina, MD, PhD
Current work in our laboratory is focused on understanding the biomedical consequences of alcohol abuse on outcomes from traumatic injury and HIV infection. |
Liz Simon Peter, BVSc, PhD |
Research in our laboratory focuses on mechanisms that regulate proliferation and differentiation of stem cells. Using animal models, we are studying epigenomic interactions that impair stem cell function contributing to dysregulated repair, regeneration and function. We are specifically interested in the dysregulation of skeletal muscle stem cell signaling that alters the fate of these cells in insults including alcohol use, HIV and disuse muscle atrophy. Our laboratory utilizes in vivo approaches, including models of alcohol administration and disuse atrophy; cell culture systems; and a wide array of molecular biology techniques to study genetic and epigenetic changes that contribute to dysfunction. Our ultimate goal is to develop epigenomic-targeted therapeutic and lifestyle interventions that improve muscle function and quality of life in aging or chronic diseases. The lab has also developed close collaborations within the department and at LSUHSC to investigate epigenomic mechanisms in metabolic dysregulation, and HIV disease. |
Robert Siggins, PhD |
Research in my laboratory focuses on understanding the mechanisms leading to CD8+ T cell immunosenescence. We are currently examining the role of alcohol in the setting of HIV in promoting increased T cell activation and senescence, leading to precocious aging. Studies include examining how increased reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial damage lead to an immunosenescent phenotype. We have developed multiple flow cytometry based assays combined with downstream molecular analysis to examine these mechanisms. |
Cardiovascular |
Jason Gardner, PhD |
Our major research emphasis is focused on understanding the pathogenesis of heart failure. Of particular interest are the mechanisms responsible for the adverse cardiac extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling associated with the progression of congestive heart failure. Current topics of study include:
Our laboratory utilizes rodent models of cardiac disease, including models of pressure overload and chronic ventricular volume overload. We also use primary adult cell culture to examine specific pathways involved in the remodeling process. |
Janos Paloczi, PhD |
Our research aims to investigate the intricate crosstalk between the gut and heart in alcohol misuse-related pathologies. By employing a multidisciplinary approach, including echocardiography, cardiac pressure-volume catheterization, laser speckle contrast imaging, cell culture models, RNAscope, histology, or other in vitro techniques, we strive to unravel the complex interplay among gut bacteria-derived substances, cardiovascular endocannabinoids, and dysfunction associated with alcohol misuse. Understanding this relationship is crucial, as endocannabinoid signaling has significant impacts on cardiac performance, vascular tone, and inflammation. Our findings will contribute to a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology involved, potentially identifying novel therapeutic targets for mitigating cardiovascular dysfunction associated with the gut-heart axis in individuals with alcohol use disorder. |
Lymphatics |
Flavia M. Souza-Smith, PhD |
The research interests of our laboratory are lymphatic vessel physiology and pathophysiological dyshomeostasis. We currently have two lines of research. The first one focuses on the effects of alcohol on lymphatic function and the immunocrosstalk between mesenteric lymphatic vessels (MLV) and perilymphatic adipose tissue (PLAT). Our approach is to investigate novel mechanisms involved in the development of adipose metabolic impairments and insulin resistance resulting from chronic alcohol consumption. Specifically, our studies examine how chronic alcohol disrupts visceral adipose immunity in response to MLV leakage. Our second line of research investigates the mechanisms underlying high fat diet and gonadal hormone loss-induced dysfunction of MLV and the metabolic consequences of lymph leakage into PLAT. These studies examine the epigenetic mechanisms involved in MLV dysfunction, in particular, microRNA-mediated alterations in tight junction protein expression and barrier function. |
Neuroscience |
Elizabeth Avegno, PhD |
Brain Stress and Reward System Interactions in Alcohol Dependence. The neural adaptations that define excessive alcohol drinking in alcohol dependent individuals may include interactions between mesolimbic reward circuits and brain stress circuits. We are currently characterizing the ventral tegmental area (VTA) - central amygdala (CeA) circuit in both mice and rats by combining retro- and anterograde tracing, immunohistochemical, electrophysiological, and optogenetic techniques. Chronic intermittent exposure (CIE) to ethanol vapor is used to induce dependence in both mice and rats, and ongoing experiments are investigating alterations in this circuit following alcohol dependence, as well as the role of this circuit in alcohol dependence-associated behaviors. Effects of Adolescent Alcohol Use on Neural Circuits. Epidemiological research points to adolescence as a critical period for the development of alcohol use disorders (AUDs), and binge drinking and early initiation of alcohol use during adolescence have been identified as important high-risk indicators. Previous research has focused on the effects of adolescent alcohol exposure on the sensitivity of VTA neurons to ethanol. Ongoing research interests continue to investigate neural adaptations following adolescent alcohol exposure in both brain stress and reward circuits. |
Scott Edwards, PhD |
Research interests in our laboratory center around the investigation of neurobiological changes associated with altered motivational systems in drug and alcohol dependence. Our research strategy is to first determine alterations in neuronal signaling following excessive drug or alcohol use, and then to investigate which neuroadaptations are most critically involved in driving excessive drug intake. A closely associated goal is to understand signaling changes induced by re-exposure to drug- or stress-paired contexts and how these processes may contribute to relapse and other motivational disorders. Finally, our most recent focus is on the interaction of addiction and chronic pain. Employing animal models of these conditions, we are currently investigating how persistent inflammatory pain alters central reinforcement circuitry and motivated behavior. Our studies primarily measure protein- and phosphoprotein-level neuroadaptations in brain centers responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the addicted state. We are able to manipulate molecular targets within specific brain regions through a variety of technologies, including viral-mediated gene overexpression and knockdown strategies. These projects involve close collaboration with distinguished LSUHSC and national investigators. |
Nicholas W. Gilpin, PhD |
My lab utilizes animal models to identify the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of alcohol dependence, stress disorders, pain, and traumatic brain injury (TBI). In most of our projects, we are testing the combined effects of more than one of these insults on brain and behavior. Our goal is to tie neurobiological changes to behavioral changes induced by these insults. To achieve this, we use behavioral tests of drug reinforcement, arousal, nociception, anxiety,-like behavior, and locomotor activity, as well as circuit based approaches that include optogenetics and chemogenetics, anatomical tracing techniques, standard biochemical and molecular approaches, and fiber-based photometry for in vivo measurement of calcium signals. |
Rajani Maiya, PhD |
My research interests are in understanding molecular mechanisms that underlie Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Specifically, I am interested in how experience-dependent changes in gene expression are mobilized into neuroadaptive changes that underlie the development of alcohol addiction. My work has leveraged a combination of genetic, molecular, pharmacological, and whole-genome strategies in animal models of AUD. My current research is focused on the role of the transcriptional co-factor Lim-only 4 (LMO4) in reward seeking and consumption. |
Stefany Primeaux, PhD |
The current research in my laboratory focuses on understanding peripheral and central mechanisms leading to obesity and related comorbidities. There are several projects in my laboratory investigating neural, behavioral and physiological factors affecting the susceptibility to developing obesity. These studies include the assessment of fat sensing via the oral cavity in obesity-prone and obesity-resistant rats and the assessment of inflammatory markers on the risk for cardiovascular disease in obesity-prone and resistant rats. We are also interested in the role of the hypothalamic neuropeptide, QRFP, on feeding and other motivated behaviors in male and female rats. |
Sydney Vita, PhD |
Our research focuses on the combined impacts of adolescent repeated mild traumatic brain injury (rmTBI) and intermittent alcohol exposure on brain pathology and behavior throughout the lifespan. The adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of both TBI and alcohol, which may have lasting consequences. We are particularly interested in understanding how these dual insults contribute to neurobiological outcomes, such as neuroinflammation and blood brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction, as well as behavioral disorders such as anxiety. We also examine how these early-life exposures might influence the development of dementia, given that rmTBI is a known risk factor for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and that alcohol misuse has been linked to various forms of dementia. To achieve these objectives, we employ a range of methodologies, including standard biochemical and molecular techniques, such as immunohistochemistry, alongside behavioral assays and advanced imaging technologies like iDISCO+. This multifaceted approach allows us to comprehensively assess the long-term impacts of adolescent brain injuries and alcohol exposure on brain health and behavior. |
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center stimulates interdisciplinary collaborative efforts for research and teaching and the dissemination of pertinent information in the area of alcohol and drug abuse. This Center enhances the research capabilities of scientists, stimulates collaborative research efforts and strengthens educational activities in the biomedical aspects of alcohol and substance abuse throughout the Health Sciences Center. The Center is directed toward building upon existing strength, expanding and elevating our reputation in substance-abuse research, treatment and prevention. | |
ADACE RetreatsPost-Doc Seminar Series |
Comprehensive Alcohol-HIV/AIDS Research Center |
The scientific focus of the Comprehensive Alcohol-HIV/AIDS Research Center (CARC) at the LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans is to conduct cutting edge basic research on alcohol and HIV that can be translated into effective community-based interventions. Our goal is to accelerate the translation of key basic and applied research findings on alcohol and HIV to clinical practice. The CARC provides an integrated research and administrative infrastructure for interdisciplinary collaboration in the design and conduct of studies at the cutting edge of alcohol and HIV/AIDS science. |
ResearchPilot Projects |
Research Facilities on the Downtown New Orleans Campus
Most of the department's faculty members occupy laboratories and offices in the Clinical
Sciences Research Building (CSRB). Faculty conducting research as investigators of
the NIAAA-supported Alcohol Research Center use laboratories in the Clinical Sciences
Research Building (CSRB).
Investigators in the Department of Physiology enjoy state of the art research equipment
including facilities and instrumentation for cell and tissue culture, RT-qPCR and
Multiplex analysis, flow cytometry, and innovative animal behavioral testing. The
Health Sciences Center Core Laboratories contain facilities for proteomic analysis,
peptide synthesis and microsequencing, antibody production, mass spectroscopy, fluorescence-activated
cell sorting, and phosphorimaging. An Image Analysis facility includes a confocal
microscope as well a molecular modeling workstation.
Dedicated office space for our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows is equipped
with personal computers for student use with high-speed internet and a range of software
for scientific research applications, including statistical analysis and graphing