School of Medicine

Department of Physiology


Physiology 100 consists of lectures, laboratory experiments, demonstrations, clinical correlations and conferences. To both complement and supplement these activities we require the purchase of

1. Cardiovascular Physiology, 7th ed. - Mohrman and Heller (Lange/McGraw-Hil)

2. Gastrointestinal Physiology, 1st ed. - Barrett (Lange/McGraw-Hil)

3. Renal Physiology, 5th ed. - Koeppen and Stanton (Mosby-Elsevier)


Two other texts, written by course faculty members, are recommended:

1. Pulmonary Physiology , 8th ed. - Levitzky (Lange/McGraw-Hill) or Pulmonary Physiology , 7th ed. - Levitzky (Lange/McGraw-Hill). Both available in the bookstore.

2. Endocrine Physiology , 4th ed. - Molina (Lange/McGraw-Hill)

Also Recommended:

1. Medical Physiology: A Systems Approach, 1st. ed. - Raff and Levitzky (Lange-McGraw Hill)

2. Medical Physiology by Boron and Boulpaep.


Many resource books are available online through the LSUHSC library.

To Access: The click on Electronic Resouces / A/ AccessMedicine.

If you find that a different comprehensive physiology text is better suited for you, by all means use it in addition to the recommended texts. Both the bookstore and the library have been alerted so that monographs will be available.

The schedule and course description should be brought to the first class.


Click on Medical Physiology.