The mission of the Department of Physiology of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center is to:
Improve understanding of physiological mechanisms, their regulation, and how their disruption contributes to disease conditions.
Conduct physiology research and disseminate findings to the scientific and lay communities
Mentor and promote the future generation of biomedical researchers
The Department of Physiology, in coordination with the School of Graduate Studies:
Offers PhD and MS degrees
Participates in the Interdisciplinary Program
Participates in the MD/PhD program
The Department offers undergraduate, pre-doctoral and postdoctoral funded research opportunities through the:
NIAAA funded Biomedical Alcohol Research Training Program
NIAAA funded Medical Student Alcohol Research Internship
NIGMS funded PREP: Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program in Biomedical Sciences
NINDS/NEI funded ENDURE: Health Equity in Neuroscience
CONTACT US for more information about employment and training opportunities.