School of Medicine

Pediatric Nephrology Fellowship Program

Research Resources


Department Biostatistician

Department Biostatistician, Dr. Zhide Fang, is available to provide biostatistical support to faculty, fellows, and residents. Please see below for revised scheduling procedures:

  1. Email Zhide Fang at
  2. Provide a brief explanation of the service you need and, if applicable, times you can meet.
  3. Dr. Fang may request additional information depending on the nature of your request.
  4. Asking simple, direct questions through email is welcome at any time, but appointments are preferred.

Library Support information:

LSUHSC Research Services Librarian, Sharon Duffy, MLIS shared the following resources that the Library has offer to assist in the research process:

LSUHSC Institutional Review Board

LSUHSC-NO's Human Subjects Research Protection Program (HRPP) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) are responsible for reviewing all research activities or investigations involving human beings, with the purpose of protecting the rights and welfare of individuals participating in such research. It is the policy of LSUHSC-NO that all activities involving human beings and/or information or specimens collected from human beings must be presented to the HRPP for a determination as to whether:

To learn more about the IRB click HERE