School of Medicine

Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Program

Fellowship Resources


Welcome, LSU Pediatric Fellows! Please review the items on this resource page and feel free to reach out to the program coordinators with any questions.



Book Money/Allotment Guidelines:




Approved items for book money spending:


Non-approved items for book money spending:


Book money can be used in one of two ways:

  1. Make the purchase on your own and get reimbursed
    1. You will need to submit a copy of credit card statement showing transaction and last four digits of card to Hanh Rimmer.
    2. You will also need to submit the purchase email/invoice/receipt to Tricia Forrest
    3. If you order anything to be delivered, it must be delivered to: Pediatrics Administrative Office, 200 Henry Clay Ave, NOLA 70118
    4. If a personal address is used, reimbursement may not be approved


  1. Department
    1. If total cost of purchase is more than allotment balance, a personal check will need to be made out to LSUHSC for the difference
    2. See Tricia Forrest in the Pediatrics Administrative Office, State Street


If gift card is used to pay for order, gift card amount cannot be reimbursed.

Book money must be used by June.  Book money does not carry over to following year.

LSU Pediatrics Faculty

LSU Pediatrics Administrative Staff

House Officer Manual

New Innovations

New Innovations site guide

Click here to access New Innovations with your LSU email user ID and password. Be sure to save this site as a favorite for easy access. If the link does not work, copy and paste this website into your browser:


1. Work Hours (formerly known as Duty Hours)

Work Hours are monitored by the Fellowship Director and Coordinator monthly. If you get an email from your coordinators or the GME Office, please complete the hours in a timely manner. Click here for more information on Work Hours.

          Work Hour Types Set Up In New Innovations:


2. Procedures

Most programs use New Innovations to keep track of fellow procedures.  Please consult your program director and senior fellow if you have questions about logging procedures. Some programs keep spreadsheets on their own.  ALL fellows must keep track of their cases/procedures and submit to Program Director and Coordinator. 

Travel Policy

Vacation Requests

Fellows are allotted 28 days of vacation and 14 days of sick leave each year (7 day work week, including Saturday and Sunday). Unused leave will not roll over to the next year.  If you plan to take vacation, you must get approval from your Program Director. Fellows are required  to complete the LSU Application for Leave Form before leave is taken. Please send your Program Coordinator an email with your exact dates of vacation after getting approval from your Program Director. 



Program Coordinator