Twenty-Fourth Annual Resident Research and Alumni Day
Dedicated to Mervin L. Trail, MD
This year we will hold the 24th Annual LSU Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery Resident Research and Alumni Day, dedicated since 2003 to Mervin L. Trail, MD. This special event is designed to recognize the scholarly activities of our residents, students, fellows and faculty, and to acknowledge the contributions made by the alumni of our Department in support of the educational process. Again this year, because of the global coronavirus pandemic, we will present this event for the second time entirely in “virtual format”, in which we are safely and socially distanced from one another. Despite the fact that we are all participating remotely, we remain nonetheless tightly united in our purpose and commitment.
During this event, presentations of original research conducted by LSU Otolaryngology Residents and Fellow will be made. Every year, each resident is required to conduct a scientific research project. Upon completion of the project, the resident is required to write a summary manuscript that is fit for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. We emphasize the principles of research that are important for clinical practice, including focus, strategy, planning, scientific reasoning, problem-solving, critique, documentation and presentation skills. The research must conform to generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.
This year our guest speaker will be Mark S. Courey, M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology-Head
& Neck Surgery, Division Chief of Laryngology and Vice Chair of Quality for the Department
of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at the Mount Sinai Health System. He is also
Director of the Grabscheid Voice and Swallowing Center at the Mount Sinai Health System.
Dr. Corey is well regarded nationally and internationally for his skills in the clinical
management of patients with airway, voice, and swallowing disorders, as well as his
multidisciplinary approach to patient care, incorporating speech-language pathologists,
vocal trainers, laryngologists, neurologists, radiation oncologists and voice scientists
into each patient's treatment when appropriate. He is also one of few laryngologists
in the country focusing on transgender voice care with vast experience performing
the tracheal shave and Wendler glottoplasty procedures.
In addition to Dr. Courey's presentation, our residents, fellow and faculty will present the results of various clinical research projects and highlight innovative treatments and surgical options. This year's program will feature current challenges in Otolaryngology - Head & Neck surgery.
Please join us on June 17th from 8:30am to 1:30pm.